Two people's arms reaching out to each other, with their hands holding each other in the middle

School of Counseling and Counseling Psychology

Campus resources for mental health


If you are experiencing an emergency, immediately dial 911.

Non-emergency response

If you require a police to respond to a non-emergency situation, you can contact the ASU campus police at the following phone numbers:

Students in crisis

ASU counseling services are available to students via phone between 8am-5pm, or by appointment at the following locations:

After-hours help can be accessed at the La Frontera EMPACT-SPC dedicated ASU crisis line at 480-921-1006 (24 hours).

Counseling services

Counseling services can be accessed via the following ASU resources:

Counselor Training Center
480-965-5067 (by appointment only)
ASU staff, students, faculty and community members accepted.

Clinical Psychology Center
480-965-7296 (by appointment)
ASU staff, students, faculty and community members accepted. Tempe campus location only.

Employee Assistance Office
480-965-2271 (by appointment only)
Benefits-eligible ASU staff, faculty and their immediate family (spouses and partners) accepted. Locations at all campuses.