Phi Hung Nguyen in graduation clothes in front of a natural background
School of Applied Sciences and Arts

Graduate to explore physics, math and future in quantum information

Phi Hung Nguyen was first inspired to pursue these subjects from a YouTube video about renowned physicist Richard Feynman

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The School of Applied Sciences and Arts is one of three brand-new schools in the College of Integrative Sciences and Arts (CISA) and offers forward-thinking and unique degrees in the applied sciences and mathematics, humanities and social sciences. The school is also a hub for interdisciplinary studies and serves ASU students from all majors completing general studies courses at the ASU Polytechnic, Downtown Phoenix and Tempe campuses and online. 


See the SASA faculty directory

Director, Elizabeth Donaldson

Portrait of Elizabeth Donaldson standing in front of a leafy background outside.

Undergraduate degrees

Graduate degrees

Minors and certificates

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