Global Health
The concentration in global health is an transdisciplinary program designed for students who seek a broad and flexible set of skills for understanding contemporary health challenges and thinking about how they might best be solved. Global Health is understood in the anthropological sense, meaning ways of understanding and addressing disease, health and well-being that can incorporate all cultures, places and time, and that can integrate knowledge of health's social, historical, biological and ecological dimensions.
- Student must complete a minimum of 18 credit hours for this concentration including 12 upper division hours.
- A minimum of six upper division hours must be taken in courses offered in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences.
- All courses must be completed with a grade of āCā (2.00) or higher.
- * Course prerequisite: SSH 100 or ASB 100 with a C or better.
- ** Students must participate in a summer study abroad program: 6 hours minimum of a 3-week approved program to countries such as: Australia & Fiji, China, London, Guatemala, New Zealand, and more. Please go to: for more information.
- For a complete list of courses offered through the School of Human Evolution and Social Change view - please note that only courses specifically marked as "core courses" may be considered for this concentration. You MUST consult with your academic advisor prior to enrollment so that an exception can be made in your academic record.
Introductory Core - 3 credit hours
ASB 100 Introduction to Global Health (3) (this course is a prerequisite for most upper division courses in this concentration)
Upper-Division Core Electives (choose three) - 9 credit hours
For additional core course options students may refer to the global health course lists found here:
AFR 383: Blacks in Science, Medicine and Public Health (3)
ASB 300 / SSH 300: Food and Culture ((L or SB) & C) (3)
ASB 301 / HST 301 / SSH 301: Global History of Health (SB & G & H) (3)
ASB 305: Poverty and Global Health ((L or SB) & G) (3)
ASB 316: Money and Culture (L or SB) (3)
ASB 327: Disaster! ((L or SB) & C) (3)
ASB 355: Traditional Medicine and Healing (HU or SB) (3)
ASB 357: Society, Drugs and Health (SB & G) (3)
ASB 370 / SOS 370: Ethics of Eating (L or SB) (3)
ASB 376: Global Health Policy (3)
ASB 378 / TCL 378: Globalization: Migration, Mass Media, McDonald's ((L or SB) & C) (3)
ASB 457: Global Mental Health ((L or SB) & G) (3)
ASB 462: Medical Anthropology: Culture and Health (SB & C) (3)
ASB 494: Ethnic Disparities and Health (3)
ASB 494: Health: Social and Biocultural Theories (3)
ASM 345: Disease and Human Evolution (3)
ASM 401: Health and Human Biology (3)
ASM 403 / BIO 403: Evolutionary Medicine and Global Health (3)
ASM 414: Urban, Environmental and Health Challenges (SB) (3)
ASM 456: Infectious Disease and Human Evolution (3)
HPS 331 / BIO 318: History of Medicine (HU & H) (3)
HST 304: Black Death:Pandemic Disease in the Medieval World (3)
MIC 314 / SSH 314: HIV/AIDS: Science, Behavior, and Society (3)
NTR 348: Cultural Aspects of Food (SB & C & G) (3)
NTR 450: Nutrition in the Life Cycle (SB) (3)
SGS 340: Violence, Conflict and Human Rights (3)
SGS 350: Economic Development and Globalization (3)
SOC 424: Women and Health (SB) (3)
SOC 427: Sociology of Health and Illness (SB) (3)
TCL 323: Latina/o Health Issues (SB & C) (3)
TCL 326: Health of Chicanas and Latinas (SB & C) (3)
TCL 327: Health and Migration (SB) (3)
TCL 410 / SOC 410: Race, Medicine, and the Body (3)
TCL 447 / SGS 454 / SOS 447 / WST 447: Gender, Culture, and Development ((L or SB) & G) (3)
WST 360: Women as Healers (SB (3)
WST 365: Women and International Health (G) (3)
WST 380 / AMS 380 / ETH 380: Race, Gender, and Class (SB & C) (3)
WST 440: Politics of Women's Health (SB & C) (3)
WST 444: Gender, Health, and Bodies (SB) (3)
Study Abroad Experience: 6 hours, C minimum
Minimum of 3-week approved program to countries such as: Australia & Fiji, China, Guatemala, London, New Zealand, and more. Please go to to see approved options.
SSH 403: Cross-Cultural Studies in Global Health ((L or SB) & G) or students choose another approved global health study abroad experience (summer session, six credits minimum) (6)
Interdisciplinary Studies Advising
All appointments:
Downtown Phoenix
Arizona Center, Suite 380
Santa Catalina Hall
Urban Systems Engineering
School of Human Evolution & Social Change | SHESC 233