Sustainable Food Systems
Food is such a critical part of daily life. Explore topics in this concentration such as sustainable agriculture, improving access to quality food, the impact food has on health, and how policy impacts these systems to learn more about the sustainability of food systems and opportunities for creating positive change.
Food and sustainability are becoming increasingly relevant issues to employers in fields across the public and private sectors. Food systems can be complex and particularly vulnerable to multiple threats. This concentration in sustainable food systems allows students to gain a general understanding of these complex systems and lays the groundwork for them to create positive change.
In two required courses, students learn the fundamentals of sustainable food systems and what shapes a sustainable plate. Students also have the opportunity to take food systems electives from diverse academic units that are also addressing challenges to food system sustainability. It encourages students to cover a breadth of topics and perspectives related to food system issues such as sustainable agriculture, food justice and sovereignty, agriculture policy and governance, agribusiness, food systems leadership, and food culture.
Students will have a strong orientation towards problem solving and systems thinking and will demonstrate proficiency in critical, analytical and creative thinking by developing, communicating and applying practical solutions to food sustainability challenges. Students also will be able to assess and analyze the role of culture and society in shaping food systems.
- Students must complete 18 credit hours (12 of which must be upper division) of the specified courses with a grade of "C" (2.00) or better in each course.
- At least 12 credit hours must be taken at ASU.
Required Courses -- 6 credit hours
SFS 215: Fundamentals of Sustainable Food Systems (L) (3)
SFS 216: The Sustainable Plate (3)
Tier 1: Culture and Ethics (Choose two) -- 6 credit hours
AIS 494: American Indian Food Justice and Sovereignty (3)
ASB 300: Food and Culture ((L or SB) & C) (3)
BIO 324: Environmental Ethics (HU) (3)
GPH 314: Global Change (HU & G) (3)
ITA 350: Food and Culture: The Mediterranean Lifestyle in Italy (3)
NTR 348: Cultural Aspects of Food (SB & C & G) (3)
NTR 353: Perspectives on the Western Diet: Food, Health and Sustainability (3)
NTR 448: Community Nutrition (L) (3)
PLB 302: Plants and Civilization (L) (3)
PUP 498: Urban Food Systems (3)
SOS 327: Sustainable Food and Farms (3)
SOS 370 / ASB 370: Ethics of Eating (L or SB) (3)
Tier 2: Science and Society (Choose two) -- 6 credit hours
ABS 434 / BIO 418: Soil Ecology (3)
AGB 302: International Management and Agribusiness (G) (3)
AGB 321: Agribusiness Marketing (3)
AGB 414: Food and Agribusiness Policy Issues (L) (3)
AGB 452: Global Food and Agricultural Trade (3)
AGB 456: Food Product Innovation and Development (3)
BIO 320: Fundamentals of Ecology (3)
NTR 344: Nutrition Management and Leadership (L) (3)
NTR 445: Management of Food Service Systems (4)
SOS 326: Sustainable Ecosystems (3)
SOS 328: Sustainability and Enterprise (3)
TDM 481: Sustainable Food Management in Tourism (3)
Prerequisite courses may be needed in order to complete the requirements of this minor.
Interdisciplinary Studies Advising
All appointments:
Downtown Phoenix
Arizona Center, Suite 380
Santa Catalina Hall
Urban Systems Engineering
School of Sustainability | ISTB7 400L2