Veterans, Society and Service
The concentration in veterans, society and service embraces ASU's charter mission by crossing intellectual disciplines to critically analyze and engage the relationships between military and civilian cultures. This innovative program, based on socially responsible scholarship drawn from disciplines of history, politics, psychology, sociology, social justice and the arts, prepares students to address and reduce the military-civilian divide. This concentration enhances ASU's position as one of the most veteran-supportive universities in the country by facilitating the study nationally and internationally of the civilian and military relationship. It augments such diverse majors as history, journalism, law, policy, politics, social work and education. The concentration prepares students to pursue research and transform society for and with veterans.
- Students must complete a minimum of 18 credit hours including 12 of upper division hours for this concentration.
- All courses must be completed with a grade of “C” (2.00) or higher.
Required Courses -- 9 credit hours
VTS 301 Veterans, Society and Service: Experience of America's Modern Wars
VTS 302 Representations and Self-Representations of Veterans in the Media and the Arts
VTS 402 Undergraduate Research or COM 308 Advanced Research Methods in Communication
Electives -- 6 credit hours
Students must choose at least two courses for a minimum of 6 credit hours.
AES 103 Air Force Today II
AES 203 The Evolution of USAF Air and Space Power II
AFR 494 Black Military History
ARS 102 Art from Renaissance to Modernism
ARS 498 Art and Cold War Cultures
COM 263 Elements of Intercultural Communication
COM 420 Rhetoric and Community Advocacy
CRD 210 Community Services and Professions
DSC 101 Design Awareness
DSC 394 Design Entrepreneurship and Society
ECN 416 Game Theory and Economic Behavior
ENG 333 American Jewish Literature During the Cold War
ENT 360 Entrepreneurship and Value Creations
FAS 410 Military Family Systems in a Democracy
FIS 494 How to Make the Future
FMS 427 Identity and World Film
FSE 301 Entrepreneurship and Value Creation
GRK 346 / HST 346 / SLC 346 Ancient Greece II: Late Classical and Hellenistic Period
HST 204 Historical Themes in the US
HST 302 War and Political Thought
HST 302 Women, War and Peace
HST 306 World War ll
HST 340 American Military History
HST 355 Total War and the Crisis of Modernity
HST 372 Modern Middle East
HST 456 The Vietnam War
IAP 307 Art and War
JMC 325 Breaking News Multimedia Reports
JMC 437 Documentary Production
JMC 487 Howard Center for Investigative Journalism
JST 346 Israeli Wars in Israeli Movies
MCO 494 War and Media
MIS 102 Foundations of Adaptive Leaders
MIS 294 Topics: Desert Rangers
MIS 302 Applied Leadership in Small-Unit Operations
MIS 394 Ranger Challenger Experience
NAV 102 Sea Power and Maritime Affairs
OGL 200 Introduction to Organizational Leadership
OGL 220 Behavioral Dynamics in Organizations
OGL 300 Theory and Practice of Leadership
OGL 340 Organizational Skills
OGL 350 Diversity and Organizations
PAF 112 Identity, Service and American Democracy
PAF 200 Public Service and Policy in the 21st Century
PAF 302 Public Service Research Methods
POS 378 or REL 378 Religion, War and Peace
SGS 394 Gender and Armed Conflict
SOC 352 Social Change
VTS 394 Special Topics
VTS 494 Special Topics
Other courses that complement the student's individual course of study may be completed with prior approval of the academic advisor.
Internship -- 3 credit hours
VTS 484 Internship (3)
All students must complete an internship.
Interdisciplinary Studies Advising
All appointments:
Downtown Phoenix
Arizona Center, Suite 380
Santa Catalina Hall
Urban Systems Engineering
College of Integrative Sciences and Arts | AZCNTR 380