Students pursuing a concentration in Russian gain an understanding of the language, literature and cultures of Russian-speaking peoples and regions. There are opportunities to partake in study abroad programs, which can serve to enhance a student's concentration experience and education.
- Students must complete a minimum of 18 credit hours including 12 of upper division hours for this concentration.
- All courses must be completed with a grade of “C” (2.00) or higher.
Core - 6 credit hours
RUS 311 Russian Comp/Conversation (3) (Prerequisites: RUS 202 with a grade of C or better)
RUS 312 Russian Comp/Conversation (3) (Prerequisites: RUS 202 with a grade of C or better)
Literature Course (Choose one) -- 3 credit hours
RUS 322 Scandals and Scoundrels: The Nineteenth-Century Russian Novel (L or HU) (3)
RUS 323 Russian Literature and Revolution: The Twentieth Century ((L or HU) & G) (3) (Pre-requisites: Credit is allowed for only RUS or SLC 323)
RUS 421 Pushkin (L or HU) (3)
RUS 425 / THE 425 Chekhov and Russian Drama (L or HU) (3) (Prerequisite(s): Credit is allowed for only RUS or THE 425)
RUS 430 Russian Short Story (L or HU) (3) (Prerequisite(s): RUS 312 with C or better)
RUS 439 / SLC 439 Art in Exile: Vladímir Vladímirovich Nabokov (HU & L) (3) (Prerequisite(s): Credit is allowed for only RUS 439 or SLC 439 or ENG/RUS/SLC 494 (Art in Exile: Vladimir Vladimirovich Nabokov))
Electives 12 Hours - at least two courses must be Upper Division Electives
Choose elective courses from the following:
Select in consultation with an advisor.
RUS 141 Russian Civilization: From Tsars to Putin ((L or HU) & G & H) (3) (Pre- or corequisite(s): ENG 101, 105, or 107 with C or better; Credit is allowed for only RUS 141 or RUS 441 or SLC 141
RUS 211 Basic Russian Conversation (3) (Prerequisite(s): RUS 102 with C or better; Corequisite(s): RUS 201, 202, or 295)
RUS 212 Basic Russian Conversation (3) (Prerequisite(s): RUS 102 with C or better; Corequisite(s): RUS 201, 202, or 295)
RUS 322 Scandals and Scoundrels: The Nineteenth-Century Russian Novel (L or HU) (3)
RUS 323 Russian Literature and Revolution: The Twentieth Century ((L or HU) & G) (3) (Credit is allowed for only RUS or SLC 323)
RUS 411 Advanced Composition and Conversation I (G) (3) (Prerequisite(s): RUS 312 with C or better)
RUS 412 Advanced Composition and Conversation II (G) (3) (Prerequisite(s): RUS 312 with C or better)
RUS 421 Pushkin (L or HU) (3)
RUS 430 Russian Short Story (L or HU) (3) (Prerequisite(s): RUS 312 with C or better)
RUS 439 / SLC 439 Art in Exile: Vladímir Vladímirovich Nabokov (HU & L) (3) (Prerequisite(s): ENG 102 or 105 or 108 with C or better; Credit is allowed for only RUS 439 or SLC 439 or ENG/RUS/SLC 494 (Art in Exile: Vladimir Vladimirovich Nabokov))
RUS 440 Russian Mass Media (G) (3) (Prerequisite(s): RUS 211; 212 with C or better. Credit is allowed for only RUS 440 or RUS 494 (Russian Mass Media))
RUS 484 Internship (1-12)
RUS 493 Honors Thesis (L) (3) (Pre-requisite: Barrett Honors student)
SLV 304 Digital Humanities for Language Majors (CS) (3) (Credit is allowed for only SLC 304 or SLV 304)
SLV 440 History of Slavic Languages (SB) (3)
SLV 484 Internship (3)
SLV 493 Honors Thesis (L) (3) (Pre-requisite: Barrett Honors student)
Interdisciplinary Studies Advising
All appointments:
Downtown Phoenix
Arizona Center, Suite 380
Santa Catalina Hall
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School of International Letters and Cultures | DH 131