Digital Culture
With the digital culture concentration, students enhance their program of study with integrated, interdisciplinary training in creative processes and technical skills in new media with cultural applications.
Students develop both the technical skills to create computational media and the cultural skills to know when or why to apply them. Students learn to create computational media (computation combined with objects, sound, video, time, space, culture and bodies); breathe behavior into media, objects or systems by programming; and think critically about how computation impacts lives and how culture makes a difference in how people experience computational media, a critical skill in the dynamic 21st century.
The School of Arts, Media and Engineering educates the next generation of learners and empowers them with technofluency --- its development, application and implications. The School of Arts, Media and Engineering prepares students to be socially aware, critically thinking global citizens who strive to bring about positive change in a society that is increasingly shaped by new technologies.
- A student must have a minimum GPA of 2.50 to be eligible to pursue the concentration
- A minimum grade of a "C" (2.00) or higher and an overall GPA of 3.00 is required in all classes in the concentration
- Students must complete a minimum of 21 credit hours including 12 of upper division hours for this concentration.
- Students should carefully note the semester in which any of these courses are offered. Information on course offerings for this concentration can be found at:
- Prerequisite courses may be needed in order to complete the requirements of this concetration depending upon elective course selection.
- Students who declare the digital culture concentration cannot earn a certificate in digital culture.
Required Lower Division 6 hours
AME 111 OR AME 194 Introduction to Digital Culture, CS (3) (Prerequisite(s): Credit is allowed for only AME 111 or 194 (Introduction to Digital Culture))
AME 112 OR AME 230 Programming for the Media Arts (3) (Prerequisite(s): Credit is allowed for only AME 112 or 194 (Computational Thinking for Digital Culture))
Digital Culture Studies - 6 hours
AME 100, 200, 300, or 400 level elective
ART 116: Introduction to Digital Media (3)
ART 218: 3D Tools (3)
ART 378: Digital Textiles (3)
DCE 294: Hybrid Action: Physical Intelligence in Digital Culture (3)
FSH 394: Fashion Design & Wearable Technology (3)
MDC 211: Introduction to Digital Sound (3)
MDC 311: Composing and Performing for Hybrid Ensembles (3)
MDC 411: Advanced Interactive Sound (3)
Digital Media - 6 hours
AME 100, 200, 300, or 400 level elective
ART 116: Introduction to Digital Media (3)
ART 206: Digital Photography I (3)
ART 217: Introduction to Computer Animation (3)
ART 218: 3D Tools (3)
ART 308: 2D Digital Animation (3)
ART 346: 3-D Computer Imaging and Animation (CS) (3)
ART 348: Animation Motion Studies (3)
ART 394: 2D Computer Animation for Non-Majors (3)
ART 424: Stop Motion Animation (3)
ART 438: Moving and Interactive Systems in Sculpture (3)
ART 440: Experimental Video Art (3)
ART 494: Visual Prototyping (3)
CIS 300: Web Design and Development (3)
CPI 111: Game Development I (CS) (3)
DCE 294: Hybrid Action: Physical Intelligence in Digital Culture (3)
EDT 440: Creating and Marketing Mobile Apps (3)
EEE 307: Signal Processing for Digital Culture (3)
FMP 215: Beginning Post-Production for Film & Television: Adobe Premier Pro (3) Credit is allowed for only FMP 215 or FMP 394 (Non-Linear Editing for Film and Media)
FMP 240: Introduction to Animation for Film (3)
FMP 255: Media Authorship (CS) (3)
FMP 294: Sound Design: From Hollywood to Independent Film (3)
FMP 315 OR FMP 294 Sou Desi
FMP 394: Non-Linear Editing for Film and Media (3)
GIT 135: Graphic Communications (3)
GIT 215: Introduction to Web Authoring (3)
GIT 230: Digital Illustration in Publishing (3)
GRA 294: Special Topics (1-4)
IAP 103: Foundations I: Interdisciplinary Digital Media (3)
IAP 104: Foundations I: Fundamentals of Sound Art (3)
IAP 322: Multitrack Digital Recording (3)
IAP 361: Digital Editing and Media Literacy (CS) (3)
IAP 364: Documentaries (3)
IAP 394: Motion Graphics & Animation (3)
IAP 462: Games and Play (3)
MDC 211: Introduction to Digital Sound (3)
MDC 311: Composing and Performing for Hybrid Ensembles (3)
Historical/Theoretical Studies or Related Digital Culture 3 hours
ALA 100: Introduction to Environmental Design (HU & H & G) (3)
ALA 102: Landscapes and Sustainability (HU & G) (3)
APH 300: World Architecture I/Western Cultures (HU & H & G) (3)
APH 313: History of Architecture I ((L or HU) & G & H) (3)
APH 314: History of Architecture II ((L or HU) & G & H) (3)
ARA 202: Understanding Photographs (3)
ARA 396: Professional Practices for Design and the Arts (3)
ARS 102: Art from Renaissance to Modernism (HU & H) (3)
ARS 345: Art and Television (3)
ARS 394: Anime (3)
ARS 438: Art of the 20th Century I (HU & H) (3)
ARS 439: Art of the 20th Century II (HU & H) (3)
ASB/SOC 344: Technology and Society (L or SB) (3)
DCE 300: Moving Histories (HU) (3)
DSC 101: Design Awareness (HU & G) (3)
ENT 290: Entrepreneurship: Opportunity to Impact (3)
ENT 305: Principles of Entrepreneurship (3)
FMP 403: Independent Film (HU) (3)
FMP 404: World Cinema (G) (3)
FMP 405: Special Topics (3)
GRA 111: Graphic Design History I (HU) (3)
GRA 112: Graphic Design History II (3)
HDA 210: Creativity and Innovation in Design and the Arts (3)
HDA 252: Foundations Arts and Design Entrepreneurship (3)
HDA 310: Socially Engaged Practice (3)
IAP 102: Foundations I: Performance Techniques and Composition (3)
IAP 105: Foundations I: Fundamentals of Visual Art (3)
IND 316: 20th-Century Design I (HU & H) (3)
IND 317: 20th-Century Design II (HU & H) (3)
INT 111: Interior Design Issues and Theories (HU) (3)
INT 310: History of Interior Design I (HU & H) (3)
INT 311: History of Interior Design II (HU & H) (3)
MHL 440: Topics in 20th-Century Music (L or HU) (3)
MUS 347: Jazz in America (HU & C) (3)
MUS 354: Popular Music (HU) (3)
MUS 356: Broadway and the American Musical (HU) (3)
THE 320: History of the Theatre I (HU & H) (3)
THE 321: History of the Theatre II (HU & H) (3)
THE 322: Theatre History and Culture (HU & H) (3)
THP 482: Theatre for Social Change (C) (3)
Course Substitution and Advanced Standing
Students with extensive media arts, media design, media computing or media engineering skills can petition for 3 credit hours of advanced standing covering the media arts/or media engineering requirement of the concentration.
Since the digital culture courses are highly specialized interdisciplinary courses, all courses must be ASU credit. Students in the Digital Culture concentration can petition to replace up to 6 hours (maximum 3 credits per each section in the concentration) of coursework with other courses at ASU related to digital culture work. This may be achieved through courses offered by any unit at ASU including the Downtown, Polytechnic, and West (IAP) campuses, and the FMS program on the Tempe Campus. Courses may include any of the substitution list or courses with comparable content. For a complete list of course substitution options, go to
Interdisciplinary Studies Advising
All appointments:
Downtown Phoenix
Arizona Center, Suite 380
Santa Catalina Hall
Urban Systems Engineering
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