Environmental Humanities
The environmental humanities concentration offers students who are interested in humanities-based approaches to the current global environmental crisis an option to focus on this vital area of study. Students take courses and electives from selected programs that are focused on the human relationship to the environment and the relationship between nature and culture. To gain practical experience, students also complete a required internship in environmental activism, policy development, education, or other pertinent areas.
- Students must complete a minimum of 24 credit hours including 12 of upper division hours for this concentration.
- A minimum of 6 hours in the concentration must be taken in courses offered through the College of Integrative Sciences and Arts (CISA).
- All courses must be completed with a grade of “C” (2.00) or higher.
- Other ENG courses may be approved depending on special- or variable-topics courses available in given semesters.
- If an environmental internship is not feasible, a student may petition to substitute (a.) an ENG 499 Independent Study on an environmental studies applied project or literature/writing topic OR (b.) an ENG 400-level course in environmental literature/writing.
- Some elective courses are limited to students majoring in the discipline, have prerequisites or cannot be taken in combination with another course on the list. Additional courses may be approved by a CISA English advisor depending on special- or variable-topics courses available in given semesters.
- Students may use only one concentration from the Department of English.
Core 12 Hours Required
Pick four ENG courses from the list below, with a minimum of at least one 400-level course:
ENG 371 Rhetoric of the Environmental Movement (3)
ENG 359 American Indian Literatures, L/HU, C (3)
ENG 469 Science and Literature (variable-topics course), L/HU (3)
ENG 378 Environmental Creative Nonfiction, L/HU (3)
ENG 367 Environmental Issues in Literature and Film, L/HU (3)
ENG 334 The American Southwest in Literature and Film, L/HU (3)
ENG 468 Environmental Literary Criticism, L/HU (3)
Electives 12 hours
Additional ENG or other courses may be approved by the Polytechnic campus English advisor.
Select in consultation with an advisor.
ABS 260 Fundamentals of Urban Horticulture, SG (4)
ABS 301 Technology and Biology (2)
ABS 302 Ethical and Policy Issues in Biology (2)
ABS 360 Southwest Home Gardening (2)
ABS 363 Sustainable Landscape Practice (4) (Prerequisites: ABS 260; Credit is allowed for only ABS or PGM 363)
ABS 364 Urban Forestry (3) (Prerequisites: ABS 260)
ABS 381 Natural Resources Policy (3) (Pre-requisite: Minimum 45 hours)
ABS 460 Organic Gardening (2)
AFS 320 Africa: Politics, Environment, and Development (3) (Prerequisites: AFS 200 or completion of min 45 hours)
ASB 326 Human Impacts on Ancient Environments, SB & H (3)
GCU 102 Introduction to Human Geography, SB & G (3)
GCU 253 Introduction to Cultural and Historical Geography, SB & G (3)
GPH 210 Society and Environment, G (3)
HON 377 Nature in Context, L or HU (3)
HPS 312/HST 312 History of Women in Science and Medicine, HU or SB (3)
HPS 325/HST 385 History of Chinese Medicine, HU & H & G (3)
HPS 336 Exploration and Science, SB & H (3)
HST 345 Environmental History, L (3)
HST 416 Western Rivers, L & H (3)
IAS 407/PHI 407 Environmental Philosophy and Policy, L or HU (3) (Prerequisite(s): Credit is allowed for only IAS 407 or PHI 407)
IAS 409 Eco-Community Ethics, HU (3) (Credit is allowed for only IAS 409 or PHI 409)
IAS 430 Science and Religion, L or HU (3) (Prerequisite(s): Credit is allowed for only IAS 430 or MAS 510)
JUS 444 Environment and Justice, L & C (3) (Prerequisite(s): minimum 36 hours; Credit is allowed for only FIS 444 or JUS 444)
LPH 310 History of Landscape Architecture, HU & H & G (3) (Pre-requisites: Landscape architecture majors; ALA 100 or ALA 102; passed the degree milestone review, or non-majors with sophomore standing)
LSC 362 The Human Environment (3) (Prerequisite(s): BIO 181; BIO 182)
NTR 100 Introductory Nutrition (3)
PGS 222 Human Sexual Behavior, SB (3) (Credit is allowed for only BIO 324 or PHI 310)
PSY/PGS 306 Environmental Psychology, SB (3) (Prerequisites: PGS 101 with a grade of C or greater)
PHI 310 Environmental Ethics, HU (3) (Credit is allowed for only BIO 324 or PHI 310)
POL 445 OR SOC 445 Globalization, Development, and Resistance, SB & G (3)
PRM 120 Leisure and the Quality of Life, SB (3)
PRM 301 Sustainable Communities (3) (Pre-or Co-requisite: NLM 160 or PRM 120 with C or better if completed. Students who have credit for NLM 301 or TDM 301 may not enroll in PRM 301.)
PRM 340 Outdoor Survival (3)
PRM 370 Natural Resource Recreation Planning and Management (3) (Prerequisite: Must have completed 45 or more earned hours)
PRM 380 Wilderness and Parks in America, SB & H (3)
PRM 470 Environmental Interpretation and Education (3) (Prerequisites: Must have earned C or better in PRM 380)
PUP 100 Introduction to Environmental Design, HU & H & G (3)
PUP 445 Women and Environments, C (3) (Prerequisites: Must be one of the following Academic Levels: Junior, Senior, Post-Bacc Undergrad, Graduate or Post-Bacc Graduate including non-degree students)
REL 381 Religion and Moral Issues, L or HU (3)
REL 383 Origins, Evolution, and Creation (3)
SGS 111 Global History Since 1500, HU & H & G (3)
SGS 202 Technology and Nature in World Settings, G (3)
SGS 310 Global Urban Systems (3)
SGS 330 Globalization and the Environment: Problems and Solutions (3)
SOS 100 Introduction to Sustainability, G (3) (Prerequisites: Not open to Sustainability majors or majors with a Sustainability concentration)
SOS 110 Sustainable World (3)
SOS 111/PUP 190 Sustainable Cities, (HU or SB) & G (3) (Credit is allowed for only PUP 190 or SOS 111)
SOS 301 Sustainable Communities (3)
SOS 320 Society and Sustainability, L or SB (3) (Prerequisites: SOS 110 with C or better; SOS 111 (or PUP 190) with C or better)
SOS 323 Sustainable Urban Dynamics (3) (Prerequisites: SOS 110 with C or better; SOS 111 (or PUP 190) with C or better)
SOS 326 Sustainable Ecosystems (3) (Prerequisites: SOS 110 with C or better; SOS 111 (or PUP 190) with C or better)
SOS 327 Sustainable Food and Farms (3) (Prerequisites: SOS 110 with C or better; SOS 111 (or PUP 190) with C or better)
STS 101 Introduction to Science, Technology, and Society, SB (3)
STS 202 Science, Technology, and Diversity (3)
STS 235 Technology and Urban Systems (3)
STS 250 Science, Society, and Global Warming (3) (Prerequisite: Students who have credit for STS 294 (Society and Global Warming) may not enroll in STS 250)
TCL 410 Race, Medicine, and the Body, L (3)
TCL 443 Political Ecology of the Border, SB & G (3)
TDM 205 Introduction to Travel and Tourism, G (3)
TDM 301 Sustainable Communities (3) (Pre-or co-requisites: PRM 120 (or REC 120) with a C or better if completed)
TDM 448 Heritage and Cultural Tourism (3) (Prerequisites: TDM 205 with C or better)
TDM 480 Sustainable Tourism (3) (Prerequisites: PRM 120 or TDM 205 or 60 minimum hours)
Interdisciplinary Studies Advising
All appointments:
Downtown Phoenix
Arizona Center, Suite 380
Santa Catalina Hall
Urban Systems Engineering
Santa Catalina Hall (SANCA), Second floor