Standards Petitions

The College of Integrative Sciences and Arts Standards Committee is comprised of faculty, advisors and administration from the college that meet once per month to review requests for exceptions to departmental or university policy. For questions regarding the petitioning process please call 480-965-4464 or email


Please review the following list of standards petition requests and select the appropriate petition designated for your request.  The petition is an Adobe Fillable PDF form.  You will need to download, save, and then open the form to complete the information required.  Once you have completed your petition, please save and email to

Note: All standards petitions must include a detailed reason for the request. Standards Petitions will not be reviewed if not included

Standards petitions must be received no later than 72 hours prior to the next available standards meeting.  See schedule below for dates.

Students will receive an email, approximately 2 - 3 business days after the scheduled Standards Committee meeting, with the committee decision.  


Standards Committee Schedule 
Committee meeting dates 

Request a course overload 

To request permission to enroll in more credit hours than are typically allowed in a single semester or session 

  • Submit a petition for each semester in which you wish to take an overload.
  • Overload requests to expedite graduation should include the semester and year of your intended graduation.  
  • Overload approvals do not guarantee class availability. Students must still meet university enrollment deadlines and requirements.
  • Select:  Course Overload Petition

Request to enroll in a class for a third time or more

To request permission to retake a course for which you have previously earned an “E” or “D” more than twice  

  • You may not take a course three or more times if you have passed that course with a “C” or higher. 
  • Approvals still require that students meet university enrollment deadlines and requirements. 
  • Complete the Enroll in a Course for a Third Time section on page 2 of the petition. Include course prefix, number and course title, as well as attempt history and grades.  In example, ENG 101 First Year Composition  Grade: E  Fall 2021
  • The campus, semester and year for the new attempt must be listed.
  • Select:  University Petition

Request General Studies designation or requirements 

To request that you receive General Studies credit (L, MA, FYC, CS, HU, SB, SG, SQ, C, G, or H) for a course without a General Studies designation 

  • Include a syllabus or course description for your request to be reviewed. Please send your syllabus or course description to
  • ASU omnibus (e.g., 294, 394, or 494) or transfer courses may also be reviewed through this process for general studies credit.
  • Select: University Petition

Request to enroll in a 500-level class or above as an undergraduate student. 

To allow an undergraduate student to enroll in a 500-level class or above  

  • Permission to enroll from the instructor must be included in order for this request to be reviewed.
  • Select College Standards Petition

Request to enroll in a 500-level class and reserve for future graduate credit.

To allow an undergraduate student to enroll in a 500-level class or above and reserve credit for future graduate studies. Please note that students may reserve a maximum of 9 credit hours.

  • Select: College Standards Petition

Retain a previous catalog year. 

To allow students to complete degree requirements under a different catalog year 

  • Select: University Petition

Request to waive university graduation requirements.

To request exceptions to the university general graduation requirements  

  • University Graduation requirements: Minimum 120 hours, 30 resident credits, 45 upper-division hours, and/or honors residency 56 hours. Students should provide evidence to support the rationale.
  • Select: University Petition

Accept any transfer credits for which you were not previously given credit.

To request credit be given to a transfer course that did not receive a direct equivalency or was deemed non-transferable. Please include the following:  

  • Course syllabus 
  • Course description
  • Select: University Petition

Request any other exception to university or college policy. 

  • Additional requests not listed above
  • Select:  University Petition

Petition forms