Two people with only their hands visible, standing at a table whose top is a screen they are interacting with

School of Applied Professional Studies

CRUX Lab projects

Arizona Department of Environmental Quality communications

This collaborative grant project seeks to enhance the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality’s communication and engagement with public audiences. The goal is to assess current environmental messaging and public outreach tools as well as identify the most effective modes of communication about environmental protection. 

2024 – 2027

Courses involved:

Lab leader:
Kat Lambrecht and Claire Lauer

Utkarsha Paraspatki; Ulrich Jensen; Susan Craig; Mauricio Mejia; Angle uis Molina; Mark Roselande; Maria Del Mar Navarro; Andrew Whitcomb

Identifying Impactful Environmental Communication and Engagement Practices.  Arizona Board of Regents (1/2024-1/2027). $1,500,000.  Role: Co-PI (11% REC)

Resulting publications: