


Are you fascinated by the human mind and human behavior? Gaining a deeper understanding of psychological principles will help you better understand and communicate with people in any career path you choose.

The concentration in psychology enables students to study the scientific nature of the behavior and mental processes of individuals and groups.

Psychology is the scientific study of the behavior and mental processes of individuals and groups. The study of psychology includes basic and applied courses in the subfields of clinical, developmental, organizational, cross-cultural and social psychology, cognitive systems and behavioral neuroscience. The psychology concentration prepares students for immediate employment, as well as for admission to graduate and professional schools. The program emphasizes the development of wide-ranging skills in critical thinking and reasoning, quantitative and qualitative research methods, working collaboratively on teams and presentation of information in oral and written form.


  • Students must complete a minimum of 22 credit hours for this concentration.
  • All courses must be completed with a grade of ā€œCā€ (2.00) or better.
  • Maximum of 3 upper division hours of PSY 399, PSY 499 and PSY 499 may be used.
  • * Course Prerequisites: Must have completed PSY 290 with a grade of C or greater.
  • A minimum 6 upper division hours must be taken in courses offered by the New College of Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences.
  • M - Course transfer equivalent available from Maricopa County Community College District, details are provided on the Transfer Information tab.

 Foundations of Psychological Science - 10 credit hours

PSY 101 Introduction to Psychology, SB (3)M

PSY 230 Introduction to Statistics, CS (3)(Prerequisite(s): PSY 101 (PGS 101) with C or better; MAT 119, 170, 242, 243, 251, 260, 261, 262, 270, 271, 272, 274, 290 or 291 with C or better) Note: STP 226, ECN 221, JUS 302, POS 401, PSY 231, QBA 221, or SOC 390 accepted as alternatives to PSY 230

PSY 290 Research Methods, L or SG (4)(Prerequisite(s): PSY 101 (PGS 101) with C or better; ECN 221, JUS 302, POS 401, PSY 230, 231, QBA 221, SOC 390 or STP 226 with C or better)

Cognitive Science Focus Area - 6 credit hours
Choose 2 courses from the following:

PSY 320 Learning and Motivation (3)*

PSY 323 Sensation and Perception (3)*

PSY 324 Memory and Cognition (3)*

PSY 325 Physiological Psychology (3) (Prerequisites: PSY 290 or 2 of the following courses with C or better: BIO 181 (or 188), 182 (or 187), 201, 202)

PSY 330 Statistical Methods, CS (3) (Prerequisite(s): ECN 221, JUS 302, POS 401, PSY 230, PSY 231, SBS 304, SOC 390, or STP 226 with C or better OR Visiting University Student)

PSY 360 Cognitive Science (3) (Prerequisite(s): PSY 101 with C or better OR Visiting University Student)

PSY 369 Biology of Human Sexuality (3) (Prerequisites: PSY (PGS) 101 with C or better; completed one semester of Biology)

PSY 434 Cognitive Psychology (L) (3)

PSY 470 Psychopharmacology (3) (Prerequisite(s): PSY 325 AND one of the following: BIO 181 (or 188), 182 (or 187), 201, 202, ZOL 201 or ZOL 202 AND one of the following: CHM 113, 114, 115, 116, 117 or 118, with C or better)


Social/Developmental Focus Area - 3 credit hours
Choose 1 course from the following:

PSY 315 Personality Theory and Research, SB (3) (Prerequisite(s): PSY 101 (PGS 101) with C or better; Minimum 45 hours OR PSY 290 with C or better)

PSY 341 Developmental Psychology, SB (3) (Prerequisite(s): PSY 101 (PGS 101) with C or better; Minimum 45 hours OR PSY 290 with C or better)

PSY 350 Social Psychology, SB (3) (Prerequisite(s): PSY 101 (PGS 101) with C or better; Credit is allowed for only PSY 351 (PGS 351) or PSY 350 (PGS 350))

PSY 366 Abnormal Psychology (SB) (3)

PSY 443 Abnormal Child Psychology (L or SB) (3)

Psychology Upper Division elective 3 hours maximum
Select in consultation with an advisor.

Notes: Experiential coursework (PSY 384, 399, 484, 493, or 499) may be used to fulfill the Upper Division Psychology Elective requirement. PSY 492 does not apply.






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New College of Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences


School of Social and Behavioral Sciences | FAB N101