The concentration in philosophy provides students with an understanding of philosophical inquiry and method. The concentration offers an introduction to central themes both in the history of philosophy and in the current literature. Students have the opportunity to sharpen their critical reasoning skills while addressing profound questions regarding the nature of existence, knowledge, law, morality, politics, and science. Students should consult with an academic advisor in the School of Historical, Philosophical & Religious Studies about a proposed selection of courses before registering.
- No more than two courses may be taken in any one philosophical sub-discipline.
- Students must complete a minimum of 18 credit hours, of which includes 12 upper division hours. At least 6 upper division credit hours must be in courses offered by the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences.
- All courses must be completed with a grade of āCā (2.00) or higher.
- Students should consult with an academic advisor in the School of Historical, Philosophical & Religious Studies about a proposed selection of courses before registering.
Upper Division Subdisciplinary Electives
Available subdisciplines are epistemology, ethics, and political philosophy, history of philosophy, logic and metaphysics. Students choose courses from the philosophical subdiscipline lists, with no more than two courses from any single track. Courses in the "other" list cover multiple subdisciplines and students may apply these courses without limit. Students should consult with an academic advisor in the School of Historical, Philosophical and Religious Studies about a proposed selection of courses before enrolling.
PHI 313 Probability, Evidence, and Decision (3) (Prerequisites: MAT 119 (or higher); Min 30 hours; Credit allowed for HPS 313 or PHI 313)
PHI 314 Philosophy of Science, HU (3)
PHI 325 Philosophy of Social Science (HU or SB) (3)
PHI 330 Theory of Knowledge, HU (3)
Ethics / Political Philosophy
PHI 105 Introduction to Ethics, HU (3)
PHI 107 Introduction to Philosophy of Sex and Love, HU (3) (Prerequisite(s): Credit is allowed for only PHI 107 or PHI 394 (Philosophy of Sex and Love))
PHI 120 Introduction to Medical and Bioethics, HU (3)
PHI 306 Applied Ethics, HU (3)
PHI 307 Philosophy of Law, HU (3)
PHI 310 Environmental Ethics, HU (3)
PHI 320 Bioethics, HU (3)
PHI 324 Existential Ethics, HU (3)
PHI 326 Philosophy of Happiness (3)
PHI 335 History of Ethics, HU (3)
PHI 336 Social and Political Philosophy, HU (3)
PHI 337 Ethical Theory, HU (3)
PHI 338 Metaethics (3) (Credit is allowed for only PHI 338 or PHI 420 (Metaethics))
PHI 347 Philosophical Theories of Consitutional Interpretation (3) (Prerequisites: Minimum 25 hours)
PHI 360 Business and Professional Ethics, HU (3) (Prerequisites: minimum 45 hours)
PHI 370 Sports Ethics, HU (3) (Prerequisite(s): minimum 25 hours; Credit is allowed for only PHI 370 or PHI 394 (Sports Ethics))
PHI 405 Moral Psychology (3) (Prerequisite(s): Philosophy undergraduate student; Minimum 56 hours; Credit is allowed for only PHI 405 or 420 (Moral Psychology))
PHI 406 Moral Dilemmas, L or HU (3)
PHI 408 Feminist Ethics, HU (3) (Prerequisites: minimum 45 hours)
PHI 409 Eco-Community Ethics, HU (3)
PHI 304 Existentialism, HU (3)
PHI 328 History of Ancient Philosophy, HU & H (3)
PHI 329 History of Modern Philosophy, HU & H (3)
PHI 401 Rationalism (3) (Prerequisites: minimum 56 hours)
PHI 402 Empiricism (3) (Prerequisites: minimum 56 hours)
PHI 403 Contemporary Analytic Philosophy, HU (3) (Prerequisites: minimum 56 hours)
PHI 103 Principles of Sound Reasoning, L or HU (3)
PHI 333 Introduction to Symbolic Logic (3)
PHI 413 Advanced Symbolic Logic (3) (Prerequisites: minimum 56 hours)
PHI 318 Philosophy of Religion, HU (3)
PHI 331 Philosophy of Language, HU (3)
PHI 332 Metaphysics, HU (3)
PHI 334 Philosophy of Mind, HU (3)
PHI 101 Introduction to Philosophy, HU (3)
PHI 311 Philosophy and Literature, HU (3) (Prerequisites: minimum 45 hours)
PHI 319 Philosophy, Computing and Artificial Intelligence, CS (3)
PHI 322 History and Philosophy of Sustainability (3) (Prerequisite(s): minimum 25 hours; Credit is allowed for only HST 308 or PHI 322 or SOS 309 or BIO/HST/PHI/SOS 394 (History & Philosophy of Sustainability))
PHI 339 Philosophy of Art, HU (3)
PHI 371: Philosophy of Sport, HU (3)
PHI 390 Jewish Philosophy (3) (Prerequisite(s): ENG 102, 105 or 108 with a C or better; Minimum 30 hours; Credit is allowed for only HST 390, JST 314, PHI 390 or REL 314)
PHI 391 Historical Perspectives on Philosophy and Religion (3) (Prerequisite(s): Minimum 30 hours; Credit is allowed for only HST 357, PHI 391 or REL 391)
PHI 394 Game Thry Market & Just: Intro Phil Politics, Econ (3)
PHI 394 The Olympics and Philosophy (3)
PHI 417: Philosophy of Censorship (L or HU) (3) (Prerequisite(s): Credit is allowed for only IAS 417 or PHI 417 or PHI 494 (Censorship: Philoso/Relig/Soc Perspectives) or REL 494 (Censorship: Philoso/Relig/Soc Perspectives))
PHI 452: Philosophy of Biology and Medicine (3) (Prerequisite(s): minimum 25 hours; Credit is allowed for only BIO 452 or HPS 452 or PHI 452 or BIO/HPS/PHI 394 (Philosophy of Biology and Medicine Introduction) or BIO/HPS/PHI 494 (Philosophy of Biology and Medicine))
Interdisciplinary Studies Advising
All appointments:
Downtown Phoenix
Arizona Center, Suite 380
Santa Catalina Hall
Urban Systems Engineering
Historical, Philosophical & Religious Studies, Sch | COOR 4591