Latin American Studies




The Latin American studies concentration is designed to give students an understanding of the cultures, economies, politics and history of Latin American nations, while supporting the development of language proficiency in Spanish or Portuguese.

The program is designed to cross disciplinary boundaries and provide a diverse and global perspective of Latin American experiences. Students may take courses in history, culture, transborder studies, geography, colonization, literature, film, theater, the arts and more.


  • The program requires Spanish or Portuguese proficiency through the 313 level of conversation and composition.
  • Students must complete 18 semester hours of upper-division courses from the above departments/colleges with a concentration in Latin American Studies; 9 semester hours in the major subject and 9 semester hours in other disciplines.
  • All courses must be completed with a grade of ā€œCā€ (2.00) or higher.
  • Only language courses above 313 in literature and civilization count toward the interdisciplinary area of preparation.
  • Spanish and Portuguese courses above 313 in grammar and phonology do not count toward the major requirements. Students should meet with the Latin American Studies advisor regarding course questions.
  • Language instruction courses dealing with Spanish and Portuguese conversation and composition cannot be used to satisfy the content course requirement. While students are encouraged to enroll in language instruction courses (i.e., conversation and composition) above the 313 level, they cannot apply such coursework to the Latin American studies concentration course requirements.


Language Requirement
Students must demonstrate Spanish or Portuguese proficiency through the 313 level of conversation and composition. The language proficiency requirement may be waived for native speakers or those with in-field experience equivalent to SPA 313 or POR 313.

Language instruction courses dealing with Spanish and Portuguese conversation and composition cannot be used to satisfy the content course requirement. While students are encouraged to enroll in language instruction courses (i.e., conversation and composition) above the 313 level, they cannot apply such coursework to the Latin American studies certificate course requirements.

Latin American Content Course Requirements -- 18 credit hours
Students will take 18 credit hours (six courses) from this list of Latin American content courses, of which at least 15 credit hours must be upper division. Students enrolled in a degree program with similar course enrollment options are recommended to select nine credit hours (three courses) from within their major and nine credit hours (three courses) outside their major. All students are encouraged to select courses in consultation with a Latin American Studies advisor.

ARS 202: Art of Africa, Oceania, and the Americas (HU & H & G) (3)
ARS 362: Survey of Aztec, Maya and Inka Art (HU) (3)
ASB 223: Aztecs, Incas and Mayas ((HU or SB) & G & H) (3)
ASB 322: Peoples of Latin America ((L or SB) & G) (3)
ASB 337: Pyramids and Hieroglyphs: Life in Ancient Mesoamerica ((HU or SB) & G & H) (3)
GCU 323: Geography of Latin America (SB & G) (3)
GCU 424: Geography of Mexico and Middle America (3)
GCU 425: Geography of the Mexican American Borderland (SB) (3)
HST 305: Studies in Latin American History (3)
HST 331 / TCL 331: Mexican American History to 1900 (SB & H) (3)
HST 375: Colonial Latin America (SB & H) (3)
HST 376: Modern Latin America (SB & G & H) (3)
HST 404 / LAS 404: Conquest and Encounters in Colonial Latin America (L & G) (3)
HST 441 / LAS 441: Latin America and the World Economy (L & G & H) (3)
HST 443: The United States and Latin America (SB & G) (3)
HST 445: 20th-Century Cuba (3)
HST 448: Mexican/U.S. Border (3)
HST 449: Mexican Immigration to the U.S. ((L or SB) & H & C) (3)
INT 415: Latin American Design (3)
JHR 378 / HST 378 / LAS 378: Poverty, Inequality and Social Justice in Latin America (G) (3)
POR 460: Brazilian Society Through Music (HU & G) (3)
POR 472: Transatlantic Encounters: Brazil and Portugal (HU & G) (3)
POS 305: Politics and Film (SB) (3)
POS 453: Latin America (3)
POS 454: Mexico (SB & G) (3)
POS 464: Border Cities: Action Research on Globalization (SB & G) (3)
POS 456: Latin American Cities (SB & G) (3)
REL 282: PreHispanic Native Am Wrldview (3)
REL 326 / TCL 328: Hispanic Religion, Culture and Healing (HU & C) (3)
REL 331: Indigenous American Religious History ((L or HU) & C & H) (3)
SPA 427: Colonial and Postcolonial Latin American Literature (L or HU) (3)
SPA 428: Foundational Texts of Latin American Literature Since Modernismo ((L or HU) & G) (3)
SPA 429: Writing Mexico: Major Texts ((L or HU) & G) (3)
SPA 449: Latin American Cinema: The Dead and the Disappeared (G & H) (3)
SPA 456: 20th-Century Spanish American Fiction (3)
SPA 471: Civilization of the Indohispanomexicano Southwest (C) (3)
SPA 472: Latin American Society: Five Case Studies (HU & H & G) (3)
SPA 474: Revolutionary Mexico and Postmodern Revisions (3)
SPA 475 / SLC 475: Latin American Film ((L or HU) & G) (3)
SPA 481: Dictatorships and Dirty Wars: Latin American Cinema from Resistance to Reconciliation
(HU & G) (3)
TCL 310: Folklore of the Southwest (HU & C) (3)
TCL 314: Transborder Latin American Migration to the U.S. ((L or SB) & H & C) (3)
TCL 350: Mexican and Chicana/o Artistic Production (HU & C & G) (3)
TCL 444: The Ethnography of Mexico and the Borderlands (3)
THE 426: Pre-Columbian Theatre of the Americas (3)

Prerequisite courses may be needed in order to complete the requirements of this concentration. 






Interdisciplinary Studies Advising
All appointments:

Downtown Phoenix
Arizona Center, Suite 380

Santa Catalina Hall

Urban Systems Engineering





College of Liberal Arts and Sciences


School of International Letters and Cultures | DH 131