Islamic Studies
Explore the history and politics of Islam, from the Great Wall of China to the Islamic Center of America in Michigan. Develop a nuanced understanding of Muslims and their many contributions to world culture.
Islam, the fastest growing religion in the world, plays an increasingly significant role in shaping international politics, culture, law and business. The concentration in Islamic studies and its required coursework in two different regions allow students to gain an appreciation of Islam's multiculturalism and contemporary relevance in multiple disciplines and geographic settings.
The concentration in Islamic studies requires a minimum of 21 credit hours. At least 12 upper-division hours are required. At least six upper-division hours must be in courses offered by The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences. A minimum grade of "C" (2.00 on a 4.00 scale) is required in each course used toward the concentration.
Required Core - 9 credit hours
HST 260 / REL 260: Introduction to Islam (HU & G) (3)
HST 336 / REL 365: Islamic Civilization (HU & H) (3)
HST 339 / REL 366: Islam in the Modern World (HU & G) (3)
Language Requirement -- 3 credit hours
The number of credit hours for the language requirement will vary from 3-6 hours, depending on the specific language and course chosen. Students must complete a minimum of three credit hours in a language relevant to the study of Islam, chosen from Arabic, Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian, French, Indonesian or Russian (typically offered in Fall and Spring semesters) or Farsi, Kazakh, Tatar, Turkish or Uzbek (these courses are offered by the Critical Languages Institute and are typically only available in summer terms under the SLC prefix; availability may vary). Students who are native speakers of these languages or other Islamic languages, or who have other equivalent knowledge may substitute three credit hours of additional coursework selected from the list of approved electives. See program coordinator.
ARB 101: Elementary Arabic I (G) (5)
ARB 102: Elementary Arabic II (G) (5)
ARB 201: Intermediate Arabic I (G) (5)
ARB 202: Intermediate Arabic II (G) (5)
ARB 311: Advanced Arabic Skills I (3)
ARB 321: Arabic Conversation I (3)
ARB 411: Advanced Arabic Skills II (G) (3)
ARB 421: Arabic Conversation II (3)
BCS 101: Elementary Serbo-Croatian (G) (4)
BCS 102: Elementary Serbo-Croatian (G) (4)
BCS 201: Intermediate Serbo-Croatian (G) (4)
BCS 202: Intermediate Serbo-Croatian (G) (4)
BCS 311: Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian Composition and Conversation I (3)
BCS 312: Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian Composition and Conversation II (3)
FRE 101: Elementary French I (G) (4)
FRE 102: Elementary French II (G) (4)
FRE 110: Intensive French I (G) (6)
FRE 201: Intermediate French I (G) (4)
FRE 202: Intermediate French II (G) (4)
FRE 210: Intensive French II (G) (6)
FRE 311: Oral and Written Expression I (G) (3)
FRE 312: Oral and Written Expression II (G) (3)
FRE 411: Advanced Spoken French (G) (3)
FRE 412: Advanced Written French (G) (3)
IDN 101: Elementary Indonesian I (5)
IDN 102: Elementary Indonesian II (5)
IDN 201: Intermediate Indonesian I (G) (5)
IDN 202: Intermediate Indonesian II (G) (5)
RUS 101: Elementary Russian I (5)
RUS 102: Elementary Russian II (5)
RUS 201: Intermediate Russian I (G) (5)
RUS 202: Intermediate Russian II (G) (5)
RUS 211: Conversational Russian I (G) (3)
RUS 212: Conversational Russian II (G) (3)
RUS 311: Russian Society I (G) (3)
RUS 312: Russian Society II (G) (3)
SLC 194: Elementary Kazakh I (4)
SLC 194: Elementary Kazakh II (4)
SLC 294: Intermediate Kazakh I (4)
SLC 294: Intermediate Kazakh II (4)
SLC 194: Elementary Persian I (Farsi) (4)
SLC 194: Elementary Persian II (Farsi) (4)
SLC 294: Intermediate Persian (Farsi) I (4)
SLC 294: Intermediate Persian (Farsi) II (4)
SLC 194: Elementary Tatar I (4)
SLC 194: Elementary Tatar II (4)
SLC 294: Intermediate Tatar I (4)
SLC 294: Intermediate Tatar II (4)
SLC 194: Elementary Turkish I (4)
SLC 194: Elementary Turkish II (4)
SLC 294: Intermediate Turkish I (4)
SLC 294: Intermediate Turkish II (4)
SLC 194: Elementary Uzbek I (4)
SLC 194: Elementary Uzbek II (4)
SLC 294: Intermediate Uzbek I (4)
SLC 294: Intermediate Uzbek II (4)
Elective Courses -- 9 credit hours
Students must choose electives that represent at least two of three geographic regions. The available geographic regions are Africa and the Middle East, America and Europe, and Asia. No more than one course from the "non-geographic" list may apply toward the concentration. It is recommended that students work with an academic advisor in the School of Historical, Philosophical and Religious Studies to select appropriate elective courses.(9)
Africa and the Middle East
AFR 300 / ASB 310: Precolonial Africa (SB & G & H) (3)
AFR 340: The Making of Modern Africa (SB & G & H) (3)
AFR 466 / ASB 466: Peoples and Cultures of Africa (SB & G) (3)
ARB 250 / SLC 250: Middle East Culture in a Global Perspective (HU & G) (3)
ARB 331 / SLC 331: Arabic/Islamic Culture and Literature (HU & H & G) (3)
ARB 335: Arabic Culture and Islam (G) (3)
ARB 337: Hadith and Prophetic Tradition (HU & H & G) (3)
ARB 341: Quran Text and Women (HU & H) (3)
ARB 351: Classical Arabic Literature (HU & G) (3)
ARB 352: Modern Arabic Literature in Translation (HU & G) (3)
ARB 394: Arabic Film and Media (3)
ARB 394: Arabic Sociolinguistics (3)
ARB 394: Iraqi Culture & Society (3)
ARB 422: Advanced Arabic Media (G) (3)
ARB 427: Arabic Prose: Reading the Arabian Nights (3)
ARB 428 / SLC 428: Arab Women's Writing (HU & G) (3)
ASB 366 / AFR 366: African Archaeology: Precolonial Urban Culture (SB & H) (3)
GCU 328: Geography of Middle East and North Africa (SB & G) (3)
HST 307: Studies in African History (3)
HST 360: The Crusades: Religion & Conflict in the Middle Ages (SB & H) (3)
HST 372: Modern Middle East (SB & G & H) (3)
HST 430: The Ottoman Empire in the Classical Period (3)
POS 353: Comparative Politics of the Middle East (3)
POS 359: African Politics and Society (SB & G) (3)
REL 362 / AFR 372 / SGS 366: Islam and Islamic Societies in Africa: Social and Political History (3)
REL 369: Women in Islam (3)
REL 461 / AFR 480 / SGS 442: Different Voices Within Contemporary Islamic Discourse (3)
America and Europe
GCU 426: Geography of Russia and Surroundings (SB & G) (3)
HST 102: Europe and the Mediterranean: Ancient and Medieval (SB & H) (3)
HST 350: Later Middle Ages ((HU or SB) & H) (3)
HST 302: Medieval Travelers (3)
REL 310: Western Religious Traditions (HU & H) (3)
REL 364: Islam in Eurasia and Central Asia (3)
REL 377: Religion in Russia (HU & H) (3)
SGS 394: The Kosovo War (3)
SPA 425: Understanding Spain: Literature and Culture Before 1700 (HU) (3)
SPA 473: Old and New Spaniards: Culture and Civilization of Spain ((HU or SB) & G) (3)
ASB 325: Peoples of Southeast Asia (3)
GCU 326: Geography of Asia (SB & G) (3)
GCU 433: Geography of Southeast Asia (3)
HST 111 / REL 111: Introduction to Asia (HU & H & G) (3)
HST 240 / GCU 240 / POS 240 / REL 240 / SGS 240: Introduction to Southeast Asia ((HU or SB) &
G) (3)
HST 245 / POS 245 / REL 245 / SGS 245 / SLC 245: Introduction to India and South Asia (HU & H
& G) (3)
HST 391 / SGS 381: Modern Southeast Asia (SB & G & H) (3)
HST 392: Modern India (3)
HST 394: Pakistan, India, and Afghanistan: Peace Challenges (3)
REL 347: Religions of India ((L or HU) & G) (3)
REL 348: Religion and Culture in Southeast Asia (3)
REL 364: Islam in Eurasia and Central Asia (3)
ARB 336: Introduction to the Qur'an (G) (3)
ARB 360: Islamic Philosophical Literature (3)
ARS 394: Islamic Art (3)
HST 302: Gender and Sexuality in Islam (3)
HST 302 / JST 302: Jews, Christians & Muslims in Early Modern World (3)
HST 302 / JST 302: Jews, Christians & Muslims in the Medieval World (3)
HST 302: Women, War and Peace (3)
HST 396 / REL 396: Islam and Politics (HU & G) (3)
POS 364: National Security, Intelligence, and Terrorism (SB) (3)
REL 101: Religion, Culture and Public Life (HU & G) (3)
REL 107: Religion and Globalization (HU & G) (3)
REL 201: Religion and the Modern World (L or HU) (3)
REL 205: Life, Sex and Death (HU) (3)
REL 363 / AFR 373: Islam and World Affairs (3)
REL 378 / POS 378: Religion, War and Peace (L) (3)
REL 379 / SGS 343: Religion, Nationalism, and Ethnic Conflict (HU & G) (3)
REL 390 / WST 390: Women, Gender and Religion (HU & G) (3)
REL 480 / SGS 441: Religion and Global Politics (L & G) (3)
Prerequisite courses may be needed in order to complete the requirements of this concentration.
Interdisciplinary Studies Advising
All appointments:
Downtown Phoenix
Arizona Center, Suite 380
Santa Catalina Hall
Urban Systems Engineering
Historical, Philosophical & Religious Studies, Sch | COOR 4591