Do you enjoy thinking about scientific problems at the molecular level but still have interests in different areas? This concentration might be just right for you. You'll gain a strong foundation of knowledge through both theoretical and experimental courses.
The chemistry concentration is designed to give students a solid grounding in the basics of chemistry in order to complement other BIS concentrations. It is especially appropriate for students with concentrations in the various disciplines of physics, materials science, geology, engineering and life sciences.
- Students must complete a minimum of 28 credit hours including 12 of upper division hours for this concentration. Six of the 12 upper-division credit hours must be taken from courses offered by The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences.
- All courses, including pre-/co-requisite courses, must be completed with a grade of āCā (2.00) or higher.
- To enhance the understanding of the subject matter, the selected courses are sequential in nature and require certain prerequisites. Consequently, students should carefully note the semester in which any of these courses are offered.
- Prerequisite courses may be needed in order to complete the requirements of this concentration.
Required Courses - 20 credit hours
CHM 113 General Chemistry I & Lab, SQ (4) or CHM 117: General Chemistry for Majors I (SQ)(4) AND CHM 111: General Chemistry Laboratory for Majors I (SQ) (1)
CHM 116: General Chemistry II (SQ)(4) or CHM 118: General Chemistry for Majors II (SQ)(3) AND CHM 112: General Chemistry Laboratory for Majors II (SQ)(1)
CHM 233: General Organic Chemistry I (3)
CHM 237: General Organic Chemistry Laboratory I (1)
CHM 234: General Organic Chemistry II (3)
CHM 238: General Organic Chemistry Laboratory II (1)
CHM 325: Analytical Chemistry (3)
CHM 326: Advanced Analytical Chemistry Laboratory (0-1)
Notes: CHM 325 and CHM 326 should be completed at the Tempe campus for this concentration
Options - 8 credit hours Choose one of the following options for the additional 8 credit hours.
Option 1 - 0 credit hours
BCH 361: Advanced Principles of Biochemistry (3)
BCH 367: Elementary Biochemistry Laboratory (1)
CHM 341: Elementary Physical Chemistry (3)
Notes: BCH 341 may not be used to substitute CHM 341.
CHM 343: Elementary Physical Chemistry Laboratory (1)
Option 2 - 0 credit hours
CHM 345: Physical Chemistry I (3)
Notes: BCH 341 may not be used to substitute CHM 341
CHM 348: Physical Chemistry Laboratory I(L)(1)
CHM 346: Physical Chemistry II (3)
Notes: CHM 346 and CHM 349 are only offered in the Spring semester
CHM 349: Physical Chemistry Laboratory II (L)(0-1)
Interdisciplinary Studies Advising
All appointments:
Downtown Phoenix
Arizona Center, Suite 380
Santa Catalina Hall
Urban Systems Engineering
PSD 104