Biological Sciences
Biological sciences encompasses the study of all living things and includes the study of basic organization and function, how organisms evolve, their roles in the natural environment, how hereditary information is transferred and the development of biotechnology. The Biological Sciences concentration is designed to provide students interested in the biological sciences with a flexible curriculum that can be tailored to their interests.
- Students must complete a minimum of 24 credit hours including 12 of upper division courses in the life sciences and at least 6 upper division hours taken with the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences.
- All courses must be completed with a grade of “C” (2.00) or higher.
- Three credits of undergraduate research or internship (BIO 390 OR BIO 484 or MBB 484 or MIC 484 OR BIO 495 or MBB 495 or MIC 495) may be allowed in the concentration.
- Elective credit hours may be chosen from those courses in the life sciences that can be used toward the majors offered by the school and are to be selected with the approval of a School of Life Science’s advisor.
- Courses which are not available for credit in the Life Sciences majors cannot be used for the concentration (e.g. BIO 100 The Living World, BIO 201 Human Anatomy and Physiology I, and BIO 202 Human Anatomy and Physiology II and MIC 205 Microbiology).
- The concentration in Biological Sciences cannot be paired with the Biochemistry concentration.
- Prerequisites required in addition to listed concentration courses:
- CHM 113 General Chemistry I, SQ (4) (Prerequisite(s): CHM 101 with C or better or ALEKS score of 61 or higher OR Pre- or corequisite(s): MAT 170, 171, 210, 251, 265 or 270 with C or better if completed)
- CHM 116 General Chemistry II, SQ (4) (Prerequisite(s): CHM 113, 114, or 117 with C or better)
Core 15 - 16 credit hours
BIO 181 Conceptual Approaches to Biology for Majors I, SQ (4) (Prerequisite(s): Credit is allowed for only BIO 181 or BIO 182 or BIO 281)
BIO 182 Conceptual Approaches to Biology for Majors II, SQ (4) (Prerequisite(s): BIO 281 with C or better; Credit is allowed for only BIO 181 or BIO 182 or BIO 282)
BIO 340 General Genetics (4) (Prerequisites: C or better: BIO 181 (or BIO 188 or MBB 245) and BIO 182 (or BIO 187 or MBB 247, or both PLB 200 and PLB 201))
MBB 347 Molecular Genetics: From Genes to Proteins (4) (Prerequisite(s): BIO 282 with C or better or BIO 181 and 182 with C or better; CHM 116 with C or better; Credit is allowed for only BIO 340 or MBB 347)
BIO 345 Evolution (3) (Pre- or corequisite(s): BIO 340 or LSC 347 or MBB 347 with C or better)
MIC 206 Biology of Microorganisms/Lab, SG (1) (Pre- or corequisite(s): MIC 205 or 220 with C or better if completed) AND MIC 220 Biology of Microorganisms (3) (Prerequisite(s): BIO 181 or 281 with C or better; CHM 116)
Electives 8-9 hours BIO OR MBB OR MIC Upper Division Elective
Select in consultation with a School of Life Science’s advisor.
Students must complete 8-9 credit hours in electives selected from the BIO, MBB or MIC subject codes, all of which must be upper-division courses.
Lower-division biology courses, including but not limited to BIO 100, BIO 201, BIO 202 and MIC 205, may not be used in the biological sciences concentration.
Interdisciplinary Studies Advising
All appointments:
Downtown Phoenix
Arizona Center, Suite 380
Santa Catalina Hall
Urban Systems Engineering
LSC 104