Political Entrepreneurship through Internships: Local to Global
The concentration is designed to prepare students for careers in public policy in global and domestic environments whether they be in governance organizations, nongovernmental organizations, nonprofit agencies, or private enterprises engaged in policymaking, implementation and critical assessment. The requirements include applied practice in these settings and an internship. A variety of internship opportunities exist for students with global national, state or local interests. Course work in the social sciences, humanities and business will prepare students to be participants in policy processes as an avenue of civic engagement.
- Students must complete a minimum of 18 credit hours including 12 of upper division hours for this concentration.
- All courses must be completed with a grade of “C” (2.00) or higher.
- A minimum 6 upper division hours must be taken in courses offered by the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences.
Introductory Course - 3 credit hours
POS 110 Government and Politics, SB (3) (Credit is allowed for only POL 110, 310, POS 110 or 310)
POS 150 Comparative Government, SB, G (3)
POS 160 Global Politics, SB, G (3) (Credit is allowed for only POL 160, POS 360 or POL 360)
POS 310 American National Government, SB (3) (Credit is allowed for only POL 110, 310, POS 110 or 310)
SGS 101 Thinking Globally: The Individual and Authority, SB (3)
SGS 301 Principles of Global Studies (3)
Policy and Leadership 3 to 6 hours - Select one to two of the following:
POS 325 Public Policy Development, SB (3)
POS 351 Democratization, SB, G (3)
POS 361 American Foreign Policy, SB, G (3) (Prerequisite(s): minimum 45 hours)
POS 364 National Security, Intelligence, and Terrorism, SB (3)
POS 410 Governing American Cities, SB (3)
POS 426 Elements of Public Policy, SB (3)
POS 427 Social Welfare and Health Policy (3)
POS 468 Comparative Asian Foreign Policies, SB, G (3)
POS 486 International Political Economy, SB, G (3)
SGS 320 Mechanisms of Governance (3) (Prerequisite(s): minimum 45 hours)
SGS 321 International Institutions and Global Governance (3) (Prerequisite(s): minimum 45 hours)
SGS 340 Violence, Conflict, and Human Rights (3) (Prerequisite(s): minimum 45 hours)
SGS 350 Economic Development and Globalization (3) (Prerequisite(s): minimum 45 hours)
Internship - Students may use three or six credits of the following:
POS 484 Internship (1-12)
SGS 484 Internship (1-12)
Related Elective 3 to 6 hours - Select one to two of the following:
BUA 380 Small Business Leadership (3)
BUA 383 Small Business Working Relationships (3)
COM 222 Argumentation, L (3)
COM 225 Public Speaking, L (3)
COM 230 Small Group Communication, SB (3)
COM 250 Introduction to Organizational Communication, SB (3) (Prerequisite(s): minimum 2.00 GPA)
COM 259 Communication in Business and the Professions (3) (Prerequisite(s): non-Communication student; minimum 25 hours)
COM 312 Communication, Conflict, and Negotiation (3) (Prerequisite(s): COM 100 with C or better; minimum GPA of 2.00)
ENG 301 Writing for the Professions, L (3)
ENT 290 Entrepreneurship: Opportunity to Impact (3)
FIN 380 Personal Finance (3)
JUS 320 Community and Social Justice, SB, C (3) (Prerequisite(s): ENG 102, 105, or 108 with C or better; minimum 24 hours)
MGT 380 Management and Strategy for Non-majors (3)
NLM 160 Voluntary Action and Community Leadership, SB (3)
NLM 220 Introduction to Non-profit Organizations (3)
NLM 410 Social Entrepreneurship (3)
PAF 200 Public Service and Policy in the 21st Century (3)
PAF 201 Economics and Public Policy, SB (3)
PAF 300 Public Management and Administration (3)
PAF 311 Leadership and Change, SB (3)
PAF 340 Contemporary Policy Challenges (3)
PAF 410 Building Leadership Skills, SB (3)
PAF 420 Public Leadership (3)
PAF 460 Public Service Ethics (3)
POS 494 (McCain Institute Policy Design) Special Topics
SGS 204 Professional Global Career Development (or equivalent career exploration course) (3)
SOS 111 / PUP 190 Sustainable Cities, HU or SB, G (3)
SOS 321 Policy and Governance in Sustainable Systems (3)
URB 305 Urban Governance (3)
URB 405 Citizen Engagement and Community Building (3)
USL 210 Service Learning: Introduction to Diverse Community Issues, L, C (3)
USL 410 Service Learning: Diverse Community Issues, L, C (3)
Interdisciplinary Studies Advising
All appointments:
Downtown Phoenix
Arizona Center, Suite 380
Santa Catalina Hall
Urban Systems Engineering
School of Politics and Global Studies | COOR 6797