International Studies
Power and statecraft, national security and globalization. Gain a deeper understanding of the connections between these important concepts and topics discussed in the media every day.
The international studies concentration is designed to prepare students for careers in government agencies, international governmental and nongovernmental organizations, multinational firms and banks and for graduate studies in international relations or political science. Requirements for the concentration are intended to provide an understanding of international relations and comparative government, an awareness of global, social and political‐economic processes and sensitivity to foreign political systems and cultures. These objectives are met by a sequence of political science courses in the areas of international relations, comparative politics, and area studies.
- Students must complete a minimum of 18 credit hours including 12 of upper division hours for this concentration.
- All courses must be completed with a grade of “C” (2.00) or higher.
- A minimum 6 upper division hours must be taken in courses offered by the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences.
- Students may not pair the International Studies concentration with the Civic Education OR Political Science concentrations.
Core 3 Hours Required
Choose course from the following:
POS 150 Comparative Government, SB, G (3) OR POS 350 Comparative Politics, SB & G (3)
POS 160 Global Politics, SB, G (3) (students who have credit for POS 160 may not enroll for POS 360)
Concentration Options 3 Hours Required
Choose course from the following:
POS 361 American Foreign Policy, SB, G (3) (Prerequisite(s): minimum 45 hours)
POS 364 National Security, Intelligence and Terrorism, SB (3)
Contemporary Issues in International Studies 6 Hours Required
POS 300 Contemporary Controversies in Global Politics, SB, G (3)
POS 368 Ethics and Human Rights (3)
POS 465 International Organization and Law, SB, G (3)
POS 467 International Security, SB, G (3) (Prerequisite(s): minimum 45 hours)
POS 486 International Political Economy, SB, G (3)
SGS 301 Principles of Global Studies (3)
SGS 303 Global Trends, SB, (3) Prerequisites: Minimum 30 hours)
SGS 324 Negotiating Global Trade (3) (Prerequisite(s): minimum 45 hours or junior standing; Credit is allowed for only SGS 324 or SGS 394 (Global Trade in Real Time) or SGS 394 (Global Negotiations))
SGS 350 Economic Development and Globalization (3) (Prerequisite(s): minimum 45 hours)
SGS 361 World Society: Imagining the World (3) (Prerequisite(s): minimum 45 hours; Credit is allowed for only SGS 361 or SGS 394 (World Society))
SGS 370 Geopolitics (3) (Prerequisite(s): minimum 45 hours or minimum junior standing; Credit is allowed for only SGS 370 or SGS 394 (Global Geopolitics))
Regional or Topical Exploration 6 Hours Required
POS 350 Comparative Politics, SB, G (3)
POS 351 Democratization, SB & G, (3)
POS 352 European Democracies (3) (Pre-requisite: Minimum 25 hours. Credit is allowed for only POS 394 (European Pol Democracies), 498 (European Democracies), or POS 352)
POS 353 Comparative Politics of the Middle East (3) (Prerequisite(s): junior standing or minimum 45 hours; Credit is allowed for only POS 353 or POS 360 (Politics of the Middle East))
POS 356 European Union, SB, G (3)
POS 357 South Asia Politics, SB, G (3)
POS 358 Southeast Asia, SB, G (3)
POS 359 African Politics and Society, SB, G (3)
POS 360 World Politics, SB, G (3) (students who have credit for POS 160 may not enroll for POS 360)
POS 365 Terrorism and Insurgency (3) (Prerequisite(s): minimum 45 hours; Credit is allowed for only POS 365 or POS 394 (Terrorism and Insurgency))
POS 379 The Resource Curse (3) (Prerequisite(s): minimum junior standing; Credit is allowed for only POS 379 or POS 394 (The Resource Curse) or SGS 394 (The Resource Curse))
POS 452 China, SB, G (3)
POS 453 South America, SB, G (3) (Prerequisite(s): minimum 25 hours)
POS 454 Mexico, SB, G (3)
POS 468 Comparative Asian Foreign Policies, SB, G (3)
SGS 360 Cultural Aspects of Globalization (3) Prerequisite(s): SGS 101 or 301; Minimum 30 hours; Credit is allowed for only SGS 360 or 394 (Cultural Aspects of Globalization)
Interdisciplinary Studies Advising
All appointments:
Downtown Phoenix
Arizona Center, Suite 380
Santa Catalina Hall
Urban Systems Engineering
School of Politics and Global Studies | COOR 6797