The concentration in informatics teaches students to use computer technology to gather, synthesize, store, visualize and interpret information. These skills are critical to a broad range of disciplines. This concentration area will provide students with an understanding of the capabilities and technologies of informatics as it applies to domain specific problems in their field of study. Students completing this concentration area will be able to understand and use methods for the basic computational principles behind the operation of::
communication, networking and interaction
decision making and problem solving
modeling, inference and visualization
representing, creating and running routine activities
storing, indexing and retrieving information
Graduates should be in high demand within the software industry, but also in government, education, science, medicine, and other fields that make use of computer technology. The applied and user-oriented focus of the degree will make these graduates attractive to such employers.
**Please note that some of the required classes below may require additional prerequisites that will need to be completed. No prerequisite overrides will be issued for Informatics core courses.
- This concentration has the following prerequisites: CSE 205, MAT 242 AND MAT 243 completed with a "C" or better prior to declaring.
- Students must complete a minimum of 21 credit hours including 12 of upper division hours for this concentration.
- At least 12 credit hours must be completed in residency at ASU.
- All courses must be completed with a grade of “C” (2.00) or higher.
- For more information on the Informatics concentration, students can make an appointment with an advisor by calling the CIDSE Advising Center at 480-965-3199, sending an email to or by visiting
- * Please consult a CIDSE advisor about alternate statistics courses.
- Certain departments may offer courses which could satisfy the elective requirement. Please consult with a CIDSE advisor for approvals.
- Enrollment in CPI 484, CPI 494 or CSE 394 requires students to speak with an Informatics advisor for approval prior to enrollment.
Required Courses --15 credit hours:
CPI 101 Introduction to Informatics
CPI 200 Mathematical Foundations of Informatics
CPI 220 Applied Data Structures and Algorithms OR CSE 310 Data Structures and Algorithms
Notes: CPI 220 is only offered in Fall semesters
CPI 350 Evaluation of Informatics Systems
IEE 380 Probability and Statistics for Engineering Problem Solving OR STP 420 Introductory Applied Statistics
Electives Courses -- 6 credit hours:
- See a CIDSE advisor if you would like to have another upper division course considered as an Informatics elective, such as: CPI 484, CPI 494, CSE 394
- CIDSE advisor approval required for CPI 484, CPI 494, and CSE 394
AME 394 Philosophies of Technology
ART 345 Visualization and Prototyping
ART 346 3-D Computer Imaging and Animation
ART 435 Foundry Research Methods
BIO 355 Introduction to Computational Molecular Biology
BIO 411 Quantitative Methods in Conservation and Ecology
BMI 102 Introduction to Public Health Informatics
BMI 201 Introduction to Clinical Informatics
CIS 300 Web Design and Development
CIS 308 Advanced Excel in Business
CIS 310 Business Data Visualization
CIS 405 Business Intelligence
CIS 407 Business Database Systems Development
CPI 310 Web-Based Information Management Systems
CPI 360 Decision Making and Problem Solving
CPI 394 Game Design Fundamentals
CPI 394 Special Topics
CPI 441 Gaming Capstone
CPI 460 Intelligent Interactive Instructional Systems
CPI 484 Internship
Notes: with advisor approval
CPI 494 Special Topics (1-4)
Notes: with advisor approval
CSE 220 Programming for Computer Engineering
CSE 240 Introduction to Programming Languages
CSE 259 Logic in Computer Science
CSE 294 Special Topic: Algorithmic Problem Solving
CSE 310 Data Structures and Algorithms
CSE 335 Principles of Mobile Application Development
CSE 340 Principles of Programming Languages
CSE 355 Introduction to Theoretical Computer Science
CSE 360 Introduction to Software Engineering
CSE 365 Information Assurance
CSE 394 Special Topics
Notes: with advisor approval
CSE 408 Multimedia Information Systems
CSE 412 Database Management
CSE 445 Distributed Software Development
CSE 446 Software Integration and Engineering
CSE 450 Design and Analysis of Algorithms
CSE 460 Software Analysis and Design
CSE 464 Software Quality Assurance and Testing
CSE 467 Data and Information Security
CSE 470 Computer Graphics
CSE 471 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
CSE 475 Foundations of Machine Learning
CSE 476 Introduction to Natural Language Processing
CSE 477 Introduction to Computer-Aided Geometric Design
DAT 250 Data Science and Society
DAT 300 Mathematical Tools for Data Science
DAT 301 Exploring Data in R and Python
DAT 401 Statistical Modeling and Inference for Data Science
DAT 402 Machine Learning for Data Science
EDT 440 Creating and Marketing Mobile Apps
ENG 374 Technical Editing
FMS 365 Video Games and Narrative
FSE 301 Entrepreneurship and Value Creation
FSE 404 EPICS Gold: EPICS in Action
GIT 135 Graphic Communications
GIT 215 Introduction to Web Authoring
GIT 230 Digital Illustration in Publishing
GIT 335 Computer Systems Technology
GIT 340 Information Design and Usability
GRA 294 Special Topics: InDesign
GRA 294 Special Topics: Photoshop
HSE 101 Introduction to Human Systems Engineering
IEE 380 Probability and Statistics for Engineering Problem Solving
MAT 267 Calculus for Engineers III
MAT 275 Modern Differential Equations
MAT 300 Mathematical Structures
MAT 421 Applied Computational Methods
SER 216 Software Enterprise: Personal Process and Quality
SER 334 Operating Systems and System Programming
SOC 334 Technology and Society
SOS 424 Dynamic Modeling in Social and Ecological Systems
STS 304 Science, Technology, and Society
STS 306 Social Effects of Science and Technology
TEL 313 Technology in an Educational Setting
TWC 414 Visualizing Data and Information
TWC 444 User Experience
Advisor Approval: CPI 484, CPI 494, CSE 394
Interdisciplinary Studies Advising
All appointments:
Downtown Phoenix
Arizona Center, Suite 380
Santa Catalina Hall
Urban Systems Engineering