Students who pursue the concentration in U.S. history study the growth and development of human society from all aspects including political, social, economic and cultural.
- Students must complete a minimum of 18 credit hours including 12 of upper division hours for this concentration.
- A minimum of six upper division hours must be taken with the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences.
- All courses must be completed with a grade of “C” (2.00) or higher.
Core Survey Courses (choose two) -- 6 credit hours
HST 100: Global History to 1500 (HU & H & G) (3)
HST 101: Global History Since 1500 (HU & H & G) (3)
HST 102: Europe and the Mediterranean: Ancient and Medieval (SB & H) (3)
HST 103: Early Modern Europe: Renaissance to Enlightenment ((HU or SB) & H) (3)
HST 104: Modern Europe: French Revolution to European Union ((HU or SB) & G & H) (3)
HST 106: Asian Civilizations ((HU or SB) & G & H) (3)
HST 108: Introduction to Japan (SB & G & H) (3)
HST 109: United States to 1865 ((HU or SB) & H) (3)
HST 110: United States Since 1865 (SB & H) (3)
HST 111: Introduction to Asia (HU & H & G) (3)
Geographic Focus Courses (choose one course from each geographic area) -- 9 credit hours
African, Asian or Latin American History -- 3 credit hours (choose one)
HST 302: Envisioning Peace (3)
HST 302: Gender and Sexuality in Islam (3)
HST 302: Slavery Systems in Africa (3)
HST 303: Studies in Asian History (3)
HST 305: Studies in Latin American History (3)
HST 307: Studies in African History (H) (3)
HST 336: Islamic Civilization (HU & H) (3)
HST 339: Islam in the Modern World (HU & G) (3)
HST 372: Modern Middle East (SB & G & H) (3)
HST 375: Colonial Latin America (SB & H) (3)
HST 376: Modern Latin America (SB & G & H) (3)
HST 383: China (SB & H) (3)
HST 384: Modern China: 1700 to the Present (SB & G & H) (3)
HST 385: History of Chinese Medicine (HU & H & G) (3)
HST 386: Interpreting China's Classics ((L or HU) & H) (3)
HST 387: Japan ((L or SB) & H) (3)
HST 388: Japan (SB & G & H) (3)
HST 389: Japan Society and Values/Premod (3)
HST 391: Modern Southeast Asia (SB & G & H) (3)
HST 392: Modern India (3)
HST 404: Conquest and Encounters in Colonial Latin America (L & G) (3)
HST 435: The Russian Empire (SB & H) (3)
HST 436: Rise & Fall of Soviet Communism (SB & G & H) (3)
HST 441: Latin America and the World Economy (L & G & H) (3)
HST 443: The United States and Latin America (SB & G & H) (3)
HST 444: Latin American Independence ((L or HU) & G) (3)
HST 445: 20th-Century Cuba (SB & G & H) (3)
HST 447: Modern Mexico (SB & H) (3)
HST 451: Chinese Cultural History I ((HU or SB) & H) (3)
HST 452: Chinese Cultural History II (SB & G & H) (3)
HST 456: The Vietnam War (SB & G & H) (3)
HST 459: Gandhi and the Politics of Nonviolence (3)
European History -- 3 credit hours (choose one)
HST 304: Studies in European History (3)
HST 309: Exploration and Empire ((L or HU) & H) (3)
HST 346: Ancient Greece II: Late Classical and Hellenistic Period (SB & H) (3)
HST 347: Ancient Greece I: Bronze Age through the Peloponnesian War (SB & H) (3)
HST 348: Rome (SB & H) (3)
HST 349: Early Middle Ages ((HU or SB) & H) (3)
HST 350: Later Middle Ages ((HU or SB) & H) (3)
HST 351: Renaissance Europe ((L or HU or SB) & H) (3)
HST 352: Europe's Reformations ((L or HU or SB) & H) (3)
HST 353: Old Regime in Europe (SB & H) (3)
HST 354: Revolutionary Europe (SB & H) (3)
HST 355: Total War and the Crisis of Modernity (SB & G & H) (3)
HST 356: Europe since 1945 (SB & G & H) (3)
HST 358: Jewish History from Antiquity to 1492 (SB & H) (3)
HST 359: Jewish History from 1492 to 1948 (SB & G & H) (3)
HST 360: The Crusades: Religion & Conflict in the Middle Ages (SB & H) (3)
HST 361: Witchcraft and Heresy in Europe ((L or HU) & H) (3)
HST 362: Sex and Society in Classical and Medieval Europe (SB & H) (3)
HST 363: Sex and Society in Early Modern Europe ((HU or SB) & H) (3)
HST 364: Sex and Society in Modern Europe ((L or SB) & H) (3)
HST 365: World Wars I and II: Europe's Eastern Front (3)
HST 366: England to 1689 (SB & H) (3)
HST 367: Modern Britain (SB & H) (3)
HST 368: Culture and Imagination in European History (HU & H) (3)
HST 369: History and Memory of the Holocaust (3)
HST 370: Eastern Europe in Transition (SB & G & H) (3)
HST 373: Roman History I: Foundations and Republic (3)
HST 374: Roman History II: The Roman Empire (3)
HST 397: Greece and Rome at War (3)
HST 423: The Tudor Monarchy (SB & H) (3)
HST 424: The Stuart Monarchy (SB & H) (3)
HST 426: The British Empire (H) (3)
HST 427: French Revolution/Napoleonic Era (SB & H) (3)
HST 429: Modern Germany (SB & G & H) (3)
HST 432: Eastern Europe the Balkans, 20th Century (G & H) (3)
HST 435: The Russian Empire (SB & H) (3)
HST 436: Rise & Fall of Soviet Communism (SB & G & H) (3)
HST 438: Modern Spain ((HU or SB) & G & H) (3)
HST 439: Athenian Democracy (H) (3)
HST 465: Women in Europe, 1750 to Present ((HU or SB) & H) (3)
U.S. History -- 3 credit hours (choose one)
HST 300: Experience of America's Modern Wars (H) (3)
HST 306: Studies in United States History (3)
HST 314: American Cultural History Since 1865 ((HU or SB) & H) (3)
HST 315: Political History of the U. S. (SB & H) (3)
HST 316: 20th-Century U.S. Foreign Relations (SB & H) (3)
HST 317: History of Postwar U.S. Conservatism (3)
HST 320: U.S. Urban History since 1850 (SB & H) (3)
HST 321: Constitutional History/US to 1865 (SB & H) (3)
HST 322: Constitutional History of the United States Since 1865 (H) (3)
HST 323: Historical Studies in Race, Crime, and the Law (3)
HST 325: Immigration and Ethnicity in the United States (SB & H & C) (3)
HST 327: Women in U.S. History, 1600 to 1880 ((HU or SB) & C & H) (3)
HST 328: Women in U.S. History, 1880-1980 ((HU or SB) & C & H) (3)
HST 329: Women in 20th-Century U.S. West (H & C) (3)
HST 331: Mexican American History to 1900 (SB & H & C) (3)
HST 332: Mexican American History Since 1900 (SB & H & C) (3)
HST 333: African American History to 1865 (SB & H & C) (3)
HST 334: African American History Since 1865 ((HU or SB) & C & H) (3)
HST 335: History of Black Women in America (SB & H) (3)
HST 337: American Indian History to 1900 ((HU or SB) & C & H) (3)
HST 338: American Indian History since 1900 ((HU or SB) & C & H) (3)
HST 340: American Military History (SB & H) (3)
HST 341: U.S. West 19th Century (SB & H) (3)
HST 342: U.S. West 20th Century (SB & H) (3)
HST 343: American Southwest ((L or SB) & H) (3)
HST 344: Arizona (SB & H) (3)
HST 345: Environmental History (L) (3)
HST 377: Sports in United States History ((HU or SB) & H) (3)
HST 379: History of College Sports (3)
HST 405: Colonial American History to 1763 (SB & H) (3)
HST 406: American Revolution/1763-1789 (SB & H) (3)
HST 407: Early U.S. Republic/1789-1850 ((L or SB) & H) (3)
HST 408: Civil War and Reconstruction ((L or SB) & H) (3)
HST 409: Emergence Modern U.S. 1877-1918 (SB & H) (3)
HST 412: Contemporary U.S., 1973- Present (SB & H) (3)
HST 413: Contemporary America ((L or SB) & H) (3)
HST 414: Political History and Leadership (3)
HST 419: 20th Century Chicano/a History (C) (3)
HST 443: The United States and Latin America (SB & G & H) (3)
HST 448: Mexican/U.S. Border (3)
HST 449: Mexican Immigration to the U.S. ((L or SB) & H & C) (3)
HST 456: The Vietnam War (SB & G & H) (3)
Elective -- 3 credit hours
HST Upper Division Elective (3)
Interdisciplinary Studies Advising
All appointments:
Downtown Phoenix
Arizona Center, Suite 380
Santa Catalina Hall
Urban Systems Engineering
Historical, Philosophical & Religious Studies, Sch | COOR 4591
Make an appointment: http://shprs.clas.asu.edu/currentstudents/undergraduate/academic-advising