Criminology and Criminal Justice*
The concentration in criminology and criminal justice allows students to explore issues of crime, law, and the criminal justice system. The concentration provides students with the tools to analyze complex issues and policies within the criminal justice system, enhancing students’ ability to understand the nature of crime and the system response to law breaking. In addition to the three required courses, which provide a solid understanding of the field, each student will be able to select electives to meet his or her specific interests.
- Students must complete a minimum of 18 credit hours of graded classroom work, including 12 hours of upper division (300/400 level) hours, internship (CRJ 484) or independent study (CRJ 499) not applicable.
- A minimum of 12 CRJ credit hours must be taken at ASU.
- All courses must be completed with a grade of “C” (2.00) or higher.
- Complete CRJ 100 as the prerequisite for all upper division courses.
- Must have junior standing to take upper division courses. *CRJ 201 prerequisite requirement can be waived for 300-400 level CRJ courses, meet with a Criminal Justice advisor for this exception.
- M - Course transfer equivalent available from Maricopa County Community College District.
- Students cannot combine the Homeland Security concentration with the Criminology and Criminal Justice concentration.
Core - 6 credit hours
CRJ 100 Introduction to Criminal Justice, SB (3) M
CRJ 309: Criminology (SB) (3) (Prereq(s) w/ C or better: CRJ 100; CRJ 201*; min 56 hrs; Credit allowed for only CRJ 309 (or CRJ 225) or CRJ 414 (or CRJ 308) OR Visiting University Student)
Lower Division Core - 3 credit hours
Choose one of the following:
CRJ 203 Courts and Sentencing (3)
CRJ 230 Introduction to Policing (3)
CRJ 240 Introduction to Corrections (3)M
Upper Division Core - 3 credit hours
Choose one of the following:
CRJ 305 Gender, Crime & Criminal Justice, C (3) (Prerequisite(s): CRJ 100 with C or better; CRJ 201* with C or better; junior or senior standing)
CRJ 306 Race, Ethnicity, Crime and Criminal Justice, C (3) (Prerequisite(s): CRJ 100 with C or better; CRJ 201* with C or better; junior or senior standing)
CRJ Upper Division Electives - 6 credit hours
Select in consultation with a Criminal Justice advisor.
Any CRJ 300
Any CRJ 400 EXCEPT CRJ 484 OR CRJ 496 OR CRJ 499
Interdisciplinary Studies Advising
All appointments:
Downtown Phoenix
Arizona Center, Suite 380
Santa Catalina Hall
Urban Systems Engineering
School of Criminology and Criminal Justice | UCENT 600