The concentration in sustainability introduces students to the problems of sustainability and enables them to understand what it is that determines the sustainability of human institutions, organizations, cultures and technologies in different environments at the local, national and international level. The 18-credit concentration allows students from many areas of study to explore the challenges of sustainability and how it may be used to develop solutions to pressing issues at local and global levels. Students must take two core sustainability courses and choose two of the following four themes and take two courses from each of the two themes selected.
Coupled Human-Environment Systems
Earth Systems
Human Transformation of the Earth
Social, Political, and Economic Treatment of Natural Resources and Environment
- Students must complete a minimum of 18 credit hours including 12 of upper division (300-400 level) hours for this concentration.
- All courses must be completed with a grade of “C” (2.00) or higher.
Find Global Sustainability Study Abroad options and Scholarships here: Scholarship awards may be up to 40 to 60 percent of the total cost of the program, not to exceed $5,000.
To request an override into any School of Sustainability (SOS), please use the following link:
- Students wishing to request a course substitution in a themed area may email with an explanation of why a course fits into a specific themed area and provide a copy of the syllabus. Students may be asked to ask submit a petition if a decision cannot be reached at the advising level.
Core 6 Hours Required
SOS 100 Introduction to Sustainability, G (3)*
SOS 300 Advanced Concepts and Integrated Approaches in Sustainability (3) (Prerequisites: SOS 100, SOS 110, SOS 111 (PUP 190) with C or better; and approved override)
* If taken already, SOS 110 or SOS 111/PUP 190 may substitute for SOS 100. If SOS 110 and SOS 111/PUP 190 have both been taken, one course may substitute for SOS 100 and the other course may be used as a “theme” course.
Thematic Studies 12 Hours Required - 9 hours must be upper division
Select two themes and complete two courses from each.
Coupled Human-Environment Systems
ALA 102 Landscapes and Sustainability, HU & G (3)
ASB 222 Buried cities and Lost Tribes (HU or SB) & G & H (3)
ASB 326 Human Impacts on Ancient Environments, SB & H (3)
CHM 107 Chemistry and Society (3) (Both CHM 107 and CHM 108 must be taken to secure SQ credit.)
CRD/NLM/PRM/TDM 301 Sustainable Communities (3)
CRD 302 Inclusive Community Development (Sb & C) (3)
GCU 350 The Geography of World Crises, SB & G (3)
GLG 110 Dangerous World, SG & G (3) (Both GLG 110 & 111 must be taken to secure SG General Studies credit)
GPH 210 Society and Environment, G (3)
ISS 450 Consumerism and Sustainable Development (3) (Prerequisite(s): minimum 45 hours)
LSC 362 The Human Environment (3) (Prerequisite(s): BIO 181; BIO 182)
STS 250 Science, Society, and Global Warming (3) (Prerequisite: Students who have credit for STS 294 (Society and Global Warming) may not enroll in STS 250)
SOS 320 Society and Sustainability, L or SB (3) (Prerequisites: SOS 110 and SOS 111 (or PUP 190) with C or better; OR Non-Sustainability major with 2 of the following courses: SOS 100, SOS 110, SOS 111 (or PUP 190), SOS 300 with C or better)
SOS 322 International Development and Sustainability (3) (Prerequisites: SOS 110 and SOS 111 (or PUP 190) with C or better; OR Non-Sustainability major with 2 of the following courses: SOS 100, SOS 110, SOS 111 (or PUP 190), SOS 300 with C or better)
SOS 327 Sustainable Food and Farms (3) (Prerequisites: SOS 110 and SOS 111 (or PUP 190) with C or better; OR Non-Sustainability major with 2 of the following courses: SOS 100, SOS 110, SOS 111 (or PUP 190), SOS 300 with C or better)
Earth Systems
ABS 225 Soils, SQ (3) (Prerequisites: CHM 101 or CHM 113)
ABS 270 Sustainable Biological Systems (3)
ABS 370 Ecology (3) (Prerequisites: BIO 181)
ABS 380 Restoration and Wildlife Plants (3) (Prerequisites: ABS 207 or ABS 260)
ABS 430 Watershed management (3) (Prerequisites: ABS 225)
BIO 320 Fundamentals of Ecology (3) (Prerequisites: BIO 181 (or BIO 188) and BIO 182 (or BIO 187 or PLB 200 and PLB 201) with C or better; CHM 113 and 116 with C or better)
BIO 322 Conservation Biology and Ecological Sustainability (3) (Prerequisites: A grade of C or better: BIO 181 (or BIO 188) and BIO 182 (or BIO 187 or both PLB 200 and PLB 201))
GLG 101 Introduction to Geology I (Physical) (3) (Students must complete GLG 101 & GLG 103 to secure SQ general studies credit)
GLG 110 Dangerous World (3) (Both GLG 110 & 111 must be taken to secure SG General Studies credit)
GLG 310 Structural Geology (3) (Prerequisites: GLG 101 or SES 101 with C or better; MAT 170, 210 or 251 with C or better; Credit is allowed for only GLG 305 or 310)
GLG 325 Oceanography (3) (Prerequisites: CHM 101 or CHM 113 with C or better; BIO 100, BIO 182 or GLG 101 with C or better; Credit for only BIO 325 or GLG 325)
GPH 314 Global Change, HU & G (3) (Prerequisites: 45 credit hours with C or better)
GPH 381 Geography of Natural Resources, G (3)
LSC 388 Research Fundamentals for the Natural Sciences, L (3) (Prerequisite(s): ACO 320 OR BIO 182 OR MAT 272; Credit is allowed for only LSC 388 or LSC 498 (Research Fundamentals for the Natural Sciences) or ENV 388 or FOR 388 or PLB 388 or PTX 388)
SOS 326 Sustainable Ecosystems (3) (Prerequisites: SOS 110 and SOS 111 (or PUP 190) with C or better; OR Non-Sustainability major with 2 of the following courses: SOS 100, SOS 110, SOS 111 (or PUP 190), SOS 300 with C or better)
Human Transformation of the Earth
ABS 270 Sustainable Biological Systems (3)
ALA 100 OR PUP 100 Introduction to Environmental Design, HU & H & G (3)
CEE 400 Earth Systems Engineering and Management, (L or HU) & H (3) (Prerequisites: students with junior or senior status)
CON 101 Construction and Culture: a Built Environment, HU & H (3)
SOS/CEE/FSE 181 Technological, Social, and Sustainable Systems, HU (3) (Credit is allowed for only SOS, FSE or CEE 181) OR ERM 301 Environmental Management (3)
ENV 201 Fundamentals of Environmental Science (3) (Prerequisite(s): BIO 181 and 182 with C or better; CHM 116 with C or better)
FSE 181 Technological, Social, and Sustainable Systems (HU) (3)
GCU 361 Urban Geography, SB (3)
IAS 407 / PHI 407 Environmental Philosophy and Policy (L or HU) (3) (Prerequisite(s): ENG 101 or 105 with C or better; Credit is allowed for only IAS 407 or PHI 407)
IND 243 Design for Ecology and Social Equity (3)
PUP 301 Introduction to Urban Planning, L (3)
SOS 111 OR PUP 190 Sustainable Cities, (HU or SB) & G (3) (Credit is allowed for only PUP 190 or SOS 111)
SOS 323 Sustainable Urban Dynamics (3) (Prerequisites: SOS 110 and SOS 111 (or PUP 190) with C or better; OR Non-Sustainability major with 2 of the following courses: SOS 100, SOS 110, SOS 111 (or PUP 190), SOS 300 with C or better)
SOS 324 Sustainable Energy, Materials, & Technology (3) (Prerequisites: SOS 110 and SOS 111 (or PUP 190) with C or better; OR Non-Sustainability major with 2 of the following courses: SOS 100, SOS 110, SOS 111 (or PUP 190), SOS 300 with C or better)
SOS 465 OR PUP 465 Sustainable Urbanism (3) (Prerequisites: Min 45 earned hours. (Prerequisites: SOS 110 and SOS 111 (or PUP 190) with C or better; OR Non-Sustainability major with 2 of the following courses: SOS 100, SOS 110, SOS 111 (or PUP 190), SOS 300 with C or better. Credit allowed for SOS 465, PUP 465 or PUP 565 only.)
STS 235 Technology and Urban Systems (L) (3)
Social, Political and Economic Treatment of Natural Resources and Environment
ABS 381 Natural Resources Policy (3) (Prerequisite: Minimum 45 hours)
ABS 479 Ecosystem Management and Planning (L) (3) (Senior standing)
AGB 414 Food and Agribusiness Policy Issues (L) (3) (Prerequisite(s): minimum 87 hours)
AGB 452 Global Food and Agricultural Policy (3) (Prerequisite(s): minimum 45 hours)
ASB 100 OR SSH 100 Introduction to Global Health, SB & G (3) (Credit is allowed for only ASB or SSH 100)
ASB 416 Economic Anthropology, L or SB (3)
ECN 212 Microeconomic Principles, SB (3)
GCU 441 Economic Geography, SB (3)
IAS 340 / PHI 320 Bioethics, HU (3) (Prerequisite(s): minimum 45 hours. Credit is allowed for only BIO 312 or IAS 340 or PHI 320)
IAS 409 Eco-Community Ethics (HU) (3) (Credit is allowed for only IAS 409 or PHI 409)
PHI 306 Applied Ethics (HU) (3)
PHI 360 Business and Professional Ethics (HU) (3) (Prerequisite(s): minimum 45 hours)
POS 486 International Political Economy, SB & G (3)
SFS 294 Special Topic: Fundamentals of U.S. Food and Agriculture
SGS 203 Contemporary Global Trends, SB & G (3)
SGS 303 Global Trends (SB) (3) (Prerequisite(s): minimum 45 hours)
SOS 110 Sustainable World (3)
SOS 321 Policy and Governance in Sustainable Systems (3) (Prerequisites: SOS 110 and SOS 111 (or PUP 190) with C or better; OR Non-Sustainability major with 2 of the following courses: SOS 100, SOS 110, SOS 111 (or PUP 190), SOS 300 with C or better)
SOS 323 Sustainable Urban Dynamics (3) (Prerequisites: Sustainability or Business Sustainability major; SOS 110 and SOS 111 (or PUP 190) with C or better; OR Non-Sustainability major with 2 of the following courses: SOS 100, SOS 110, SOS 111 (or PUP 190), SOS 300 with C or better)
SOS 325 The Economics of Sustainability (3) (Prerequisites: SOS 110 and SOS 111 (or PUP 190) with C or better; OR Non-Sustainability major with 2 of the following courses: SOS 100, SOS 110, SOS 111 (or PUP 190), SOS 300 with C or better)
STS 101 Introduction to Sciences, Technology, and Society, SB (3) OR STS 304 Science, Technology and Society
STS 110 Global Technology and Development, SB & G (3) OR STS 317 Science, Technology and Global Engagement
Interdisciplinary Studies Advising
All appointments:
Downtown Phoenix
Arizona Center, Suite 380
Santa Catalina Hall
Urban Systems Engineering
WGHL 108