Family and Human Development
A concentration in family and human development exposes students to the basic course work and issues within the discipline. This program provides an exceptional balance to studies in psychology, communication, education, or business.
- Students must complete a minimum of 18 credit hours including 12 of upper division hours for this concentration.
- All courses must be completed with a grade of “C” (2.00) or higher.
Core - 9 credit hours
CDE 232 Human Development, SB (3)
FAS 101 Growth in Personal Relationships, SB (3)
FAS 370 Family, Ethnic, and Cultural Diversity, SB & C (3) (Credit is allowed for only AFR 370 (or AFS 370) or FAS 370)
Upper Division CDE Elective - 3 credit hours
CDE 312 OR SOC 312 (3) Adolescence, SB (Prerequisites: SOC 101, PGS 101, FAS 101 or FAS 330 with C or better; Credit is allowed for only CDE 312 or SOC 312)
CDE 337 Early Childhood Intervention (3)
CDE 418 Aging and the Life Course, SB & H (3) (Prerequisite(s): FAS 101, 330, PGS 101 or SOC 101 with C or better; minimum 30 hours; Credit is allowed for only CDE 418 or SOC 418)
CDE 430 Infant/Toddler Development in the Family, SB (3)
CDE 450 Child Dysfunction in the Family (3) (Prerequisite(s): CDE 232, PGS 101, or SOC 101 with C or better; minimum junior standing)
CDE 498 Pro-Seminar (3)
Upper Division Electives - 6 credit hours
CDE 312 OR SOC 312 (3) Adolescence, SB (Prerequisites: SOC 101, PGS 101, FAS 101 or FAS 330 with C or better; Credit is allowed for only CDE 312 or SOC 312)
CDE 337 Early Childhood Intervention (3)
CDE 418 Aging and the Life Course, SB & H (3) (Prerequisite(s): FAS 101, 330, PGS 101 or SOC 101 with C or better; minimum 30 hours; Credit is allowed for only CDE 418 or SOC 418)
CDE 430 Infant/Toddler Development in the Family, SB (3)
CDE 450 Child Dysfunction in the Family (3) (Prerequisite(s): CDE 232, PGS 101, or SOC 101 with C or better; minimum junior standing)
CDE 498 Pro-Seminar (3)
FAS 301 Introduction to Parenting (3)
FAS 324 Work and the Workplace, SB & H (3) (Credit is allowed for only FAS or SOC 324)
FAS 331 Marriage and Family Relationships, SB (3)
FAS 332 Human Sexuality, SB (3)
FAS 410 Military Family Systems in Democracy (3) (Prerequisite(s): FAS 101 or PSY 101 (or PGS 101) or SOC 101; minimum 30 hours)
FAS 435 Advanced Marriage and Familty Relationships, L or SB (3) (Prerequisite(s): SOC 101, PSY 101 (PGS 101), FAS 101 or FAS 331 with C or better; Minimum 30 hours; Credit is allowed for only SOC 435 or FAS 435)
Interdisciplinary Studies Advising
All appointments:
Downtown Phoenix
Arizona Center, Suite 380
Santa Catalina Hall
Urban Systems Engineering
Sanford School of Social and Family Dynamics | SS 144