Design Studies*
Students interested in design can earn a concentration in design studies. This concentration is a non-studio based program of study in design that focuses on the design disciplines offered in the ASU Herberger Institute: architectural studies, graphic design, industrial design, interior design, landscape architecture.
- Students must complete a minimum of 18 credit hours including 12 of upper division hours for this concentration.
- A minimum GPA of 2.5 is required for courses completed in this concentration.
- To enhance understanding of the subject matter, some of the designated courses are sequential in nature and require certain prerequisites. Consequently, students should carefully note the semester in which these particular courses are offered. All designated courses for the concentration in design studies are lecture courses.
- * Course(s) are offered only in fall sessions.
- ** Course(s) are offered only in spring sessions.
- M - Course transfer equivalent available from Maricopa County Community College District, details are provided on the Transfer Information tab.
Upper Division 12 credit hours required
APH 300 OR APH 313 History of Architecture I, HU, G, H (3)* (Prerequisites: Architectural Studies major with ALA 100 or ALA 102 and passed degree milestone review or non-majors with junior standing)
APH 314 History of Architecture II, HU, G, H (3)** (Prerequisites: APH 313 with C or better)
APH 405 Contemporary Architecture and Urbanism 1970 to the Present, HU & H (3) (Prerequisite(s): APH 313 and APH 314, or graduate standing)
APH 414 Great Cities, (L or HU) & G & H (3) (Prerequisite(s): minimum ASU cumulative 3.00 GPA; minimum 60 hours; Credit is allowed for only APH 414 or MUD 598 (Great Cities))
APH 421 First Concepts: What is... The Writing, Philosophy, and Culture of Architecture, L or HU (3) (Prerequisites: APH 313 & APH 314 with C or better)
APH 461 Charles and Ray Eames, HU (3) (Prerequisite(s): minimum 3.00 GPA; minimum 60 hours; Credit is allowed for only APH 461 or APH 494 (Charles + Ray Eames))
APH 494 Special Topics (1-4)
DSC 394 [*DESI*ENTR*] Design Entrepreneurship and Society (3)
DSC 494 Special Topics (1-4)
EDS 301 Sustainable Community Design and Practices (3) (Pre- or corequisite(s): EDS 200)
GRA 345 Design Rhetoric, L (3) (Prerequisites: Graphic Design, Architecture, Interior Design, Industrial Design, Housing Community Development or Design Studies BA)
GRA 345 Design Rhetoric (3)
GRA 401 Creative Environment (3)**
GRA 440 Finding Purpose (3)*
IND 316 20th-Century Design I, HU, H (3)* (Prerequisite(s): minimum 45 hours)
IND 317 20th-Century Design II, HU, H (3)** (Prerequisite(s): minimum 45 hours)
IND 344 Human Factors in Design (3)*
IND 354 Principles of Product Design (3)** (Prerequisites: PHY 111 with C or greater)
INT 310 History of Interior Design I, HU, H (3)* (Prerequisites: ARS 102 with a grade of C or greater)
INT 311 History of Interior Design II, HU, H (3)** (Prerequisites: INT 310 with C or better)
INT 415 Latin American Design (3) (Pre-requisite: Minimum Junior standing)
INT 494 Special Topics (1-4)
LAP 485 International Field Studies (G) (3)
LAP 494 Special Topics (1-4)
LPH 310 History of Landscape Architecture, HU & H & G (3)* (Prerequisites: ALA 100 or ALA 102; sophomore standing)
LPH 311 20th Century Landscape Architecture, HU (3)** (Prerequisites: ALA 100 or ALA 102; sophomore standing)
LPH 494 Special Topics (1-4)
Lower Division - 6 credit hours
ALA 100 Introduction to Environmental Design, HU, G, H (3) (Credit is allowed for only ALA or PUP 100)
ALA 102 Landscapes and Sustainability, HU & G (3)
DSC 101 Design Awareness, HU, G (3)M
EDS 223 Design Thinking (3)
GRA 101 Designing Life (3)
GRA 111 Graphic Design History I, HU (3)*
GRA 112 Graphic Design History II (3)** (Prerequisites: Must have completed GRA 111 with a grade of C or greater)
GRA 225 Communication/Interaction Design Theory (3)*
GRA 294 Special Topics (3)
IND 242 Materials and Design (3)*
IND 243 Design for Ecology and Social Equity (3)**
INT 111 Interior Design Issues and Theories, HU (3)*
INT 121 Introduction to Computer Modeling for Interior Design (3) (Students who have credit for INT 320, may not enroll in INT 121)
INT 123 Introduction to CAD (3)M
INT 131 Design and Human Behavior, SB (3)
LAP 254 Plant Materials (3) (Prerequisite(s): ALA 102; EDS 223; ALA 102 OR Corequisite(s): Landscape Architecture BSLA major; LDE 262)
Interdisciplinary Studies Advising
All appointments:
Downtown Phoenix
Arizona Center, Suite 380
Santa Catalina Hall
Urban Systems Engineering
Find your Herberger Lead Advisor at:
Design South (CDS) 101