Three women wearing yellow with their backs turned facing a city-overlook and mountain range

Student life

Becoming a CISA Student Ambassador

Apply now

Consider becoming a CISA Ambassador if you'd like to take a leadership role representing the College of Integrative Sciences and Arts.



Volunteering as an ambasssador is a great opportunity to develop skills, network within your college, and work alongside fellow high-achieving, passionate CISA students.

All CISA ambassadors will receive a letter of recommendation from the dean of the College of Integrative Sciences and Arts, along with CISA swag items and a college polo shirt.



  • Be a College of Integrative Sciences and Arts student on the Downtown Phoenix, Tempe, or Polytechnic campus
  • Maintain a 3.0 GPA
  • Complete 10 volunteer hours a semester
  • Meet with CISA's student engagement coordinator once a month and/or attend monthly group meeting
  • Training may be required for certain tasks 

A limited number of positions become available each year. Watch your CISA e-blasts for announcements of vacancies or check in with Community Engagement Coordinator Jennifer Key.


Contact CISA Community Engagement Coordinator Jennifer Key.