Two men sitting at a table speaking with each other

School of Counseling and Counseling Psychology

Counseling, MC (Master of Counseling) on-campus degree program

Join us at ASU's Tempe campus to pursue your counseling, MC degree.

Professional licensure

ASU programs that may lead to professional licensure or certification are intended to prepare students for potential licensure or certification in Arizona. Completion of an ASU program may not meet educational requirements for licensure or certification in another state. For more information, students should visit the ASU professional licensure webpage.

Graduates of the Master of Counseling program meet the requirements for licensure as a professional counselor with the Arizona Board of Behavioral Health Examiners. Because requirements vary by state, students should consult the licensing requirements for the state in which they intend to reside.

Program objectives

The Master of Counseling program objectives reflect current knowledge and projected needs concerning counseling practice in a multicultural and pluralistic society. Graduates of the program will demonstrate:

  1. Knowledge and application of professional counseling ethics
  2. Knowledge and application of multicultural counseling and social justice competencies
  3. Knowledge of human growth and development and how it impacts counseling
  4. Knowledge of career development and ability to design interventions
  5. Knowledge and skill in establishing counseling relationships and employing intervention models
  6. Knowledge and skill in group process and ability to intervene using groups
  7. Knowledge of issues relevant to assessment selection and evaluation, and skilled in the appropriate use of assessment instruments
  8. Knowledge and application of basic research designs, statistics, and program evaluation
  9. Professional values and dispositions consistent with the American Counseling Association
  10. Knowledge of professional and clinical mental health counselor identity


Master of Counseling, MC on-campus degree program applications open September 1, 2025

All required application materials must be submitted by the first business day after Jan. 1 to ensure consideration for admission the following fall semester.

Students Admitted to the on-campus program begin their studies in the fall semester only. The Master of Counseling program offers both on-campus and online degree program options. Information about the Master of Counseling online degree program can be found on the Counseling, MC (Master of Counseling) online program overview webpage.

Residents of certain US states are ineligible to apply for the Master of Counseling online degree program. Please review the ASU State Authorization webpage to ensure that you reside in an authorized state.

View School Counseling concentration details

Informational sessions

The Counseling, MC (Master of Counseling) on-campus program leadership holds informational sessions during the Fall semester, typically in September and October. The specific dates and times of the informational sessions will be posted here once they have been confirmed,

Mission statement

The mission of the 60-credit hour Master of Counseling program is to prepare students to become license eligible as professional counselors in Arizona and other states with comparable licensure requirements. With its strong focus on multicultural counseling across the lifespan, students learn to promote the health of individuals, families, groups, and organizations in a diverse society. The program prepares students to work with clients in a variety of mental health settings. The program also prepares students who wish to pursue doctoral-level studies

ASU Master of Counseling 2023-2024 statistics

  • Number of graduates: 31
  • Program completion rate: 100%*
  • Employment rate: 100%
  • Licensure pass rate: 100%

*Within the expected 2-3 year timeframe

View application deadline


Jamie Bludworth
Director, Master of Counseling Training
Clinical Associate Professor
School of Counseling and Counseling Psychology 
Mail Code 0811


Mailing address:
Counseling and Counseling Psychology
Arizona State University
PO Box 870811
Tempe, AZ 85287-0811

Ayse Ciftici

Ayşe Çiftçi
School of Counseling and Counseling Psychology

Jamie Bludworth

Jamie Bludworth
MC Training Director
School of Counseling and Counseling Psychology