Russian and East European Studies
The concentration in Russian and East European studies encourages students to develop competency in Russian or another East European or Eurasian language as well as the culture and politics of the region.
Coursework is offered by outstanding faculty in diverse fields of study including architecture, economics, film studies, geography, history, international business, literature, music, political science and religious studies.
A one-credit, student-led capstone course is completed in the student's junior or senior year; with the support of an advisor, students can write a research paper on the Russian and East European studies topic of their choice, prepare a writing sample or a graduate school application, or work on a creative project.
The certificate in Russian and East European studies requires a minimum of 20 credit hours, of which at least four must be a language course and at least 12 must be upper division. A grade of "C" (2.00 on a 4.00 scale) or higher is required in all courses used toward the certificate.
Language Requirement -- 4 credit hours
Students may complete one 4-credit hour language course from BCS, PLC, ROM, or RUS, or they
may complete the Albanian, Armenian, BCS, Kazakh, Macedonian, Polish, Russian, Tatar, Turkish,
Ukrainian, and Uzbek courses offered by the Critical Languages Institute to fulfill the language
NOTE: Native speakers of a language must complete four credit hours in a different language to
fulfill this requirement.
BCS 101: Elementary Serbo-Croatian (G) (4)
BCS 102: Elementary Serbo-Croatian (G) (4)
BCS 201: Intermediate Serbo-Croatian (G) (4)
BCS 202: Intermediate Serbo-Croatian (G) (4)
BCS 311: Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian Composition and Conversation I (3)
BCS 312: Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian Composition and Conversation II (3)
PLC 101: Elementary Polish (4)
PLC 102: Elementary Polish (4)
PLC 201: Intermediate Polish (4)
PLC 202: Intermediate Polish (4)
PLC 311: Advanced Polish I (3)
PLC 312: Advanced Polish II (3)
ROM 101: Elementary Romanian Language and Culture I (HU & H & G) (4)
ROM 102: Elementary Romanian Language and Culture II (HU & H & G) (4)
ROM 201: Intermediate Romanian Language and Culture I (HU & H & G) (4)
ROM 202: Intermediate Romanian Language and Culture II (HU & H & G) (4)
ROM 313: Romanian Composition and Conversation (HU & H & G) (3)
ROM 314: Romanian Composition and Conversation (HU & H & G) (3)
ROM 411: Advanced Spoken and Written Romanian I (HU & H & G) (3)
ROM 412: Advanced Spoken and Written Romanian II (HU & H & G) (3)
RUS 101: Elementary Russian I (5)
RUS 102: Elementary Russian II (5)
RUS 201: Intermediate Russian I (G) (5)
RUS 202: Intermediate Russian II (G) (5)
RUS 211: Conversational Russian I (G) (3)
RUS 212: Conversational Russian II (G) (3)
RUS 311: Russian Society I (G) (3)
RUS 312: Russian Society II (G) (3)
Required Certificate Electives (choose two) -- 6 credit hours
ENG 429 / SLC 429: What is Europe? (3)
GCU 426: Geography of Russia and Surroundings (SB & G) (3)
GSC 509: Emerging Technologies and Global Security (3)
HST 304: Russia: Empire of the Tsars, 1650-1917 (3)
HST 304: Russia & Ukraine: Understanding the Crisis (3)
HST 304: Stalin to Putin (3)
HST 304: Stalinism: Society & Culture in Sov Un, 1924-1953 (3)
HST 370: Eastern Europe in Transition (SB & G & H) (3)
HST 435: Russian Empire: From Ivan the Terrible to 1917 (SB & H) (3)
HST 436: Rise & Fall of Soviet Communism (SB & G & H) (3)
POS 352: European Democracies (3)
REL 379: Religion, Nationalism, and Ethnic Conflict (HU & G) (3)
RUS 322: Scandals and Scoundrels: The Nineteenth-Century Russian Novel (L or HU) (3)
RUS 323: Russian Literature and Revolution: The Twentieth Century ((L or HU) & G) (3)
SGS 344: Facing the Past: Truth, Memory, Denial After Atrocities (3)
Other HST 304 topics appropriate to the certificate's regional focus may be used with the approval of the certificate advisor.
Courses shown above not used to satisfy a Required Certificate Elective may be used as an Area-Related Elective.
Area-Related Electives -- 9 credit hours
ARC 330: World and Western Architecture for Nonmajors (HU & H & G) (3)
ARC 331: World and Western Architecture I ((L or HU) & G & H) (3)
ARC 332: World and Western Architecture II ((L or HU) & G & H) (3)
ASB 345: Culture and Society Transformation (SB & G) (3)
CEL 394: Russian Political Thought from Peter I to Putin (3)
CEL 394: War&Culture Cntrl Europe: Empire or Lib Democracy (3)
COM 691: Strategic Communication and Disinformation (3)
ENG 332: Jewish Writers & The Cold War (3)
ENG 333: American Jewish Literature during the Cold War (3)
ENG 435: Literatures and Cultures of Immigration and Diaspora (3)
GCU 325: Geography of Europe (SB & G) (3)
HON 394: Amazons to Fighter Pilots:HistoryofWarSex&Gender (3)
HON 394: Archaeology of the Silk Roads (3)
HON 394: Dictatorship & the Twentieth Century (3)
HON 394: Love,Hospitality,Belonging:LivesBetweenEurope&Asia (3)
HON 394: Mummies and Marauders, Merchants and Monks (3)
HON 394: Points of Entry:Space&Place in Eurasian Borderland (3)
HON 394: The Cold War World:Conflict,Vitriol,&Globalization (3)
HST 302: War and Political Thought (3)
HST 302: WWII in Comparative Perspective (3)
HST 304: A Survey of Soviet History (3)
HST 304: Black Death:Pandemic Disease in the Medieval World (3)
HST 304 / JST 304: Exiles, Migrants, Refugees in Jewish History (3)
HST 304: Fascism: Italy, Germany, and Beyond (3)
HST 304: Nazi Germany (3)
HST 304: Topic: Totalitarianism: Hitler & Stalin. (3)
HST 350: Later Middle Ages ((HU or SB) & H) (3)
HST 354: Revolutionary Europe (SB & H) (3)
HST 355: Total War and the Crisis of Modernity (SB & G & H) (3)
HST 356: Europe since 1945 (SB & G & H) (3)
HST 359: Jewish History from 1492 to 1948 (SB & G & H) (3)
HST 369: History and Memory of the Holocaust (3)
HST 429: Modern Germany (SB & G & H) (3)
HST 430: The Ottoman Empire in the Classical Period (3)
HST 454 / REL 454 / FOR 454: History of Genocide (G & H) (3)
HST 460: World War II (HU & H & G) (3)
IDS 313: Identity and Conflict in Europe (3)
IGD 598: Global Capitalism and Inclusive Development (3)
JHR 501: Proseminar in Social Justice and Human Rights (3)
JHR 598: Social Inequality (3)
JUS 374: The Holocaust, Genocide, and Human Rights (3)
LIA 194: DiscSem: The Law of Armed Conflict & War Crimes (3)
MHL 445: Music of the Silk Road (HU & G) (3)
MHL 598: Shostakovich, his life and times (3)
POS 305: Conflict and Film (SB) (3)
POS 305: Politics and Film (SB) (3)
POS 352: European Democracies (3)
POS 394: Gender and Armed Conflict (3)
POS 394: History & Politics of the United Nations: Model I (3)
POS 486: International Political Economy (SB & G) (3)
POS 494 / SGS 494: Democratic Erosion (3)
POS 485: Political Economy (SB) (3)
POS 598: Politics of Authoritarian Rule (3)
REL 301: Comparative Mysticism (HU) (3)
REL 365: Islamic Civilization (HU & H) (3)
REL 366: Islam in the Modern World (HU & G) (3)
REL 379 / SGS 343: Religion, Nationalism, and Ethnic Conflict (HU & G) (3)
ROM 343: Culture and Society Transformation (SB & G) (3)
RUS 141: Russian Civilization: From Tsars to Putin ((L or HU) & G & H) (3)
RUS 322: Scandals and Scoundrels: The Nineteenth-Century Russian Novel (L or HU) (3)
RUS 323: Russian Literature and Revolution: The Twentieth Century ((L or HU) & G) (3)
RUS 421: Pushkin (L or HU) (3)
RUS 423: Dostoevsky and Tolstoy (L or HU) (3)
RUS 425: Chekhov and Russian Drama ((L or HU) & G) (3)
RUS 430: Russian Short Story (L or HU) (3)
RUS 439 / SLC 439: Art in Exile: VladÃ-mir VladÃ-mirovich Nabokov (L or HU)(3)
RUS 440: Russian Mass Media (G) (3)
SGS 341: Humanitarian Crisis and International Intervention (3)
SGS 344: Facing the Past: Truth, Memory, Denial After Atrocities (3)
SGS 370: Geopolitics (3)
SGS 394: Greece and Macedonia (3)
SGS 494: International Criminal Tribunals & Global Security (3)
SLC 202: Exploring Cultures: Words, Images, Stories (HU & G) (3)
SLC 212: Language and Culture Clash ((HU or SB) & G) (3)
SLV 294: Eastern European Science Fiction (3)
SLC 304 / SLV 304: Digital Humanities for Language Majors (CS) (3)
SLC 429: Politics & Culture in European Short Fiction (3)
SLC 442 / ROM 442: Dracula and Vampire Lore ((L or HU) & G & H) (3)
SLC 494: Society and Culture in Modern Europe (3)
SLV 440: History of Slavic Languages (SB) (3)
Students complete the minimum 12 credit upper-division requirement with at least six credit hours of electives selected from the above list.
Arranged honors theses and upper-division colloquia with Melikian Center faculty affiliates may also be used toward this requirement.
An additional required or area-related elective OR an additional language course must be used toward the fulfillment of the 20 credit-hour requirement.
Capstone Project -- 1 credit hours
LIA 485: REES Certificate Capstone (1)
In their junior or senior year, students will complete the 1-credit REES Certificate Capstone. This can be in the form of a reading course offered by the Melikian Center OR a project chosen in cooperation with a Melikian Center faculty affiliate. The project should represent an extended, research-based focus on some dimension of the region's languages, cultures, religions, histories, and/or politics. It may take the form of an extended research paper, honors thesis, translation project, research assistantship, or internship.
Other courses may be used with the approval of the certificate advisor.
Prerequisite courses may be needed in order to complete the requirements of this certificate.
Interdisciplinary Studies Advising
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Arizona Center, Suite 380
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