Interdisciplinary Health Humanities
Are you thinking about a career in the health professions? Gain an edge by learning to understand the complex, transdisciplinary challenges of health. This concentration also focuses on empathy, mindfulness, resilience, well-being, and compassionate research and care.
The concentration in interdisciplinary health humanities brings humanities methodologies to analyses of health and medicine in order to address challenges in health policy and health care practice and to advance understandings of the cultural formations of health, illness and the body.
The curriculum includes courses in areas such as history of medicine, bioethics, disability studies, socio-cultural aspects of health and narrative medicine. It includes critical analyses of representations of health and illness in literature and other media as well as training in narrative and structural competency for health care professionals. A capstone course, internship or applied project offers experiential or project-based learning in this field.
The interdisciplinary health humanities certificate requires a total of 15 credit hours. A minimum of 12 upper-division credit hours are required, with at least nine of those credit hours taken in courses offered by The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences for students on the Tempe campus, or by the School of Humanities, Arts and Cultural Studies in the New College of Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences on the West Valley campus.
All courses must be completed with a grade of "C" (2.00 on a 4.00 scale) or higher.
Interdisciplinary Health Humanities Core -- 6 credit hours
ENG 203: Introduction to Health Humanities (HU) (3)
Notes: available on the Tempe and West Valley campuses
ENG 484: Internship or ENG 498: Pro-Seminar (L) or ENG 499: Individualized Instruction (3)
Electives (select three) - 9 credit hours
AFR 383: Blacks in Science, Medicine and Public Health (3)
ASB 301: Global History of Health (SB & G & H) (3)
ASB 305: Poverty and Global Health ((L or SB) & G) (3)
ASB 353 / SOC 353: Death and Dying in Cross-Cultural Perspective ((HU or SB) & G) (3)
ASB 355: Traditional Medicine and Healing (HU or SB) (3)
BIO 312 / IAS 340 / PHI 320: Bioethics (HU) (3)
BIO 315 / ENG 370: Science, Values, and the Public (3)
ENG 469: Science and Literature (3)
FIS 498: Stem Cell Policy Research (3)
FOR 406 / IAS 406 / PHI 406: Moral Dilemmas (L or HU) (3)
HCI 313: Philosophy of Science in Health Care: Understanding Paradigms of Health and Healing (3)
HPS 314 / PHI 314: Philosophy of Science (HU) (3)
HPS 331 / BIO 318: History of Medicine (HU & H) (3)
LSC 363: Genes, Race, Gender, and Society (3)
MED 300: Historical and Contemporary Issues in Health (L) (3)
PHI 306: Applied Ethics (HU) (3)
REL 381: Religion and Moral Issues (L or HU) (3)
SOC 400: Perspectives on Aging (SB) (3)
SOC 448: Epidemics and Society (SB & G) (3)
TCL 323: Latina/o Health Issues (SB & C) (3)
TCL 410: Race, Medicine, and the Body (3)
WST 444: Gender, Health, and Bodies (SB) (3)
Prerequisite courses may be needed in order to complete the requirements of this concentration.
Some elective courses may be available only on the Tempe campus or the West Valley campus.
Interdisciplinary Studies Advising
All appointments:
Downtown Phoenix
Arizona Center, Suite 380
Santa Catalina Hall
Urban Systems Engineering
Department of English | RBHL 170