


The concentration in communication focuses on teaching students how communication processes create, maintain and transform identities, relationships, workplaces and communities.


  • Students must complete a minimum of 18 credit hours including a minimum 12 upper division (300/400 level) hours for this concentration.
  • At least 9 hours of course work must be taken at ASU.
  • At least 6 hours upper division course work must be taken through the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences.
  • Student must have a minimum cumulative ASU GPA of 2.0 in order to declare this concentration.
  • All courses must be completed with a grade of ā€œCā€ (2.00) or higher.
  • No pass/fail, Y credit or credit/no-credit courses are allowed.
  • All prerequisite and GPA requirements must be met.
  • M - Course transfer equivalent available from Maricopa County Community College District, details are provided on the Transfer Information tab.

Core 6 Hours

COM 100 Introduction to Human Communication, SB (3)(Required)

COM 225 Public Speaking, L (3)M 
COM 259 Communication in Business and the Professions (3)M 

Electives 12 Upper Division Hours Required
Select in consultation with a Communications advisor.

COM 310: Communication in Interpersonal Relationships (SB) (3)
COM 312: Communication, Conflict, and Negotiation (3)
COM 316: Gender and Communication (SB & C) (3)
COM 317: Nonverbal Communication (SB) (3)
COM 319: Persuasion and Social Influence (SB) (3)
COM 320: Communication and Consumerism (SB) (3)
COM 323: Communication Approaches to Popular Culture (C) (3)
COM 403: Intercultural Business Communication (3)
COM 411: Communication in the Family (SB) (3)
COM 452: Communication and the Art of Happiness (3)
COM 453: Communication Training and Development (3)

Approved Substitution
Students may substitute one of the following courses for one of the upper division COM requirements.
Please see department for list of approved courses prior to enrollment.

ASB 400 Cultural Factors in International Business

ASB 480 Principles of Linguistics, SB (3)

ASB 481 Language and Culture, SB (3)

ENG 301 Writing for the Professions, L (3) (Prerequisite(s):  Credit is allowed for only ENG 301 or ENG 302)

ENG 302 Business Writing, L (3) (Prerequisite(s): W. P. Carey major; minimum 55 hours or junior standing; Credit is allowed for only ENG 301 or ENG 302)

ENG 312 English in Its Social Setting, L or HU or SB (3)

ENG 357 Introduction to Folklore

FAS 330 Personal Growth in Human Relationships, SB (3)

FAS 370 Family Ethnic & Cultural Diversity, SB & C (3) (Credit is allowed for only AFR 370 (or AFS 370) or FAS 370)

JUS 311 Crime, Prevention, and Control

JUS 329 Domestic Violence, SB (3) (Prerequisites: min 24 hours; min 2.00 GPA)

MCO 430 International Mass Communication, G (3) (Prerequisites: min 2.00 GPA)

MCO 450 Visual Communication, HU (3) (Prerequisites: min 2.00 GPA)

MCO 456 Political Communication, SB (3) (Prerequisites: min 2.00 GPA)

PGS 458 Group Dynamics (3) (Prerequisites: PGS 350 (or 351) with C or better; PSY 290 with C or better)

PGS 461 Interpersonal Influence, SB (3) (Prerequisites: Must have completed PSY 290 with a grade of C or greater; Must have completed PGS 350 or 351 with a grade of C or greater)

POS 331 Public Opinion, SB (3)

POS 333 Interest Groups, SB (3)

POS 431 Campaigns and Elections, SB (3)

NLM 310 Volunteer Management (3)

SOC 321 Sociology of Work, SB (3)

SOC 365 Sociology of Mass Communication, SB (3)

THP 311 Improvisation with Youth (3)

WST 464 Voices and Visions, HU & C (3) (Prerequisites: WST 100 or WST 300 with C or better; Min 6 upper-division hours)






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College of Liberal Arts and Sciences


Hugh Downs School of Human Communication | STAUF A412