Asian Languages (Chinese)
China is an important force in the world. Study Chinese and gain a deep understanding of a rich and diverse culture.
Students pursuing a concentration in Chinese gain an understanding of the language, literature and cultures of China. There are opportunities to partake in study abroad programs, which can serve to enhance a student's experience and education.
- Students must complete a minimum of 18 credit hours, of which 12 credit hours must be upper division hours for this concentration.
- All courses must be completed with a grade of “C” (2.00) or higher.
- A maximum of 6 hours are allowed from 200 level courses.
- Course substitutions are allowed for heritage and advanced speakers of the language; consult an advisor in the School of International Letters and Cultures for more information.
Required Courses - 10 credit hours
CHI 301 Third-Year Chinese I, G (5) (Prerequisites: CHI 202 with C or better)
CHI 302 Third-Year Chinese II, G (5) (Prerequisites: CHI 301 with C or better)
Electives -- 8 Hours Required
A maximum of 6 hours are allowed from 200 level courses.
Select courses from the following:
CHI 201 Intermediate Chinese I, G (5) (Prerequisites: CHI 102 with C or better) AND CHI 202 Intermediate Chinese II, G (5) (Prerequisites: CHI 201 with C or better) or CHM 201: Intensive Chinese II (5)
Notes: CHI 201 and CHI 202 grant 5 credit hours each. The extra 4 credits earned will be applied to the minimum 120 credit hours needed for graduation. Students may opt to take CHM 210 Intensive Chinese II, an 8 credit hour course equivalent to CHI 201 and CHI 202. The extra 2 credits earned will be applied to the minimum 120 credit hours for graduation.
CHI 307 Introduction to Literary Chinese I (HU) (3)
CHI 308 Introduction to Literary Chinese II (HU) (3)
CHI 321 Power and Poetry: Classical Chinese Literature in Translation (HU) (3)
CHI 322 Self, Society and the Drive for Modernity: Classical Chinese Literature in Translation (HU & G) (3)
CHI 333 China (SB & H) (3) (minimum 30 hours; Credit is allowed for only CHI 333, HST 383 or SLC 333)
CHI 336 Interpreting China's Classics ((L or HU) & H) (3) (Prerequisite(s): minimum 30 hours; Credit is allowed for only CHI 336, HST 386 or SLC 336)
CHI 338 The Daode Jing: Way to the West (HU) (3) (Credit is allowed for only CHI 338, 394 (Daoist Bible: The Dao De Jing) or REL 338)
CHI 343: Daoism ((L or HU) & G & H) (3)
CHI 345 Chinese Film and Civilization (3)
CHI 348 Pathways into Chinese Culture (3) (Prerequisite(s): CHI 202 with C or better. Credit is allowed for only CHI 348 or CHI 394 (Pathways into Chinese Culture))
CHI 380 The Chinese Language (3)
CHI 401 Fourth-Year Chinese I (G) (3) (Prerequisite(s): CHI 302 with C or better)
CHI 402 Fourth-Year Chinese II (G) (3) (Prerequisite(s): CHI 401 with C or better)
CHI 407 Chinese for Academic and Professional Purposes I (G) (3) (Prerequisite(s): CHI 402 with C or better)
CHI 408 Chinese for Academic and Professional Purposes II (G) (3) (Prerequisite(s): CHI 407 with C or better)
CHI 451 Chinese Cultural History I (HU or SB) & H) (3) (Prerequisite(s): minimum 55 hours; Credit is allowed for only CHI 451, HST 451 or SLC 451)
CHI 452 Chinese Cultural History II (SB & G & H) (3) (Prerequisite(s): minimum 55 hours; Credit is allowed for only CHI 452 or HST 452 or SLC 452)
CHI 470 Modern Chinese Literature and Culture (3) (Prerequisite(s): CHI 302 with C or better)
CHI 482: History of the Chinese Language (3)
Interdisciplinary Studies Advising
All appointments:
Downtown Phoenix
Arizona Center, Suite 380
Santa Catalina Hall
Urban Systems Engineering
School of International Letters and Cultures | DH 131