Social Transformation
The concentration in social transformation introduces students to the ways in which social change is catalyzed by social movements, social entrepreneurship, social innovation, protest, law, activism and organizing. Students enrolled in the concentration learn how diverse communities locally and globally have achieved social change, understand theories of social transformation, and consider how to apply what they have learned about social transformation and transformational knowledge to the social problems facing communities today. The course work provides comparative, transdisciplinary and socially engaged frameworks within which to understand local and global mobilization, including, but not limited to, civil rights movements, labor movements, democracy movements, movements for global justice and movements for gender equality. Students learn how communities that have traditionally been institutionally marginalized have successfully mobilized to achieve institutional, political, cultural and economic change.
- Students must complete a minimum of 15 credit hours including 12 of upper division hours for this concentration.
- All courses must be completed with a grade of “C” (2.00) or higher.
- A minimum 12 hours must be taken in courses offered at ASU.
- To enhance the understanding of the subject matter, the selected courses are sequential in nature and require certain prerequisites. Consequently, students should carefully note the semester in which any of these courses are offered.
- Additional elective courses can be applied to the concentration with approval from a Social Transformation advisor.
Required Courses -- 6 credit hours
APA 220 / JUS 220 / SST 220: Introduction to Social Transformation (3)
SST 484: Internship or SST 499: Individualized Instruction (3)
Electives (choose three) -- 9 credit hours
AFR 325 / JUS 326: Music as Political Discourse: Reggae, Calypso, and Hip Hop (3)
AFR 365 / WST 364: Unruly Voices: Black Women and Cultural Narratives (3)
AFR 420: Race Ethnicity and Politics in the African Diaspora (3)
AFR 470: Women's International Human Rights (3)
APA 350: Inequality and Diversity in Education (3)
COM 312: Communication, Conflict, and Negotiation (3)
COM 341: Social Contexts for Performance (3)
ENG 333: American Ethnic Literature (3)
ENG 367: Environmental Issues in Literature and Film (3)
ENG 371: Rhetoric of the Environmental Movement (3)
HST 306: Studies in United States History (3)
HST 354: Revolutionary Europe (3)
JUS 320: Community and Social Justice (3)
JUS 321: Wealth Distribution and Poverty (3)
JUS 350: Immigration and Justice (3)
JUS 375: Justice and the Mass Media (3)
JUS 430: Social Protest, Conflict, and Change (3)
JUS 444: Environment and Justice (3)
JUS 460: Feminism and Justice(3)
JUS 497: Digital Activism (3)
NLM 410: Social Entrepreneurship (3)
PAF 305: Urban Governance (3)
REL 379: Religion, Nationalism, and Ethnic Conflict (3)
SOC 352: Social Change (3)
TCL 340: Chicana/o and Latina/o Politics and Policy (3)
TCL 341: Latinas/os and the City (3)
THP 482: Theatre for Social Change (3)
WST 375: Women and Social Change (3)
WST 377: History of American Feminist Thought (3)
WST 378: Global Feminist Theory (3)
WST 380: Race, Gender, and Class (3)
Concentration Notes:
Courses in addition to those in the list above may be used with the approval of an academic advisor in the School of Social Transformation.
Prerequisite courses may be needed in order to complete the requirements of this certificate.
Interdisciplinary Studies Advising
All appointments:
Downtown Phoenix
Arizona Center, Suite 380
Santa Catalina Hall
Urban Systems Engineering