Peace Corps Prep
The peace corps prep concentration is designed to foster intellectual curiosity in international development while enhancing the competitiveness of Peace Corps applicants. The concentration has six sectors comprising education, youth development, health, environment, community and economic development, and agriculture, with the unifying mandatory course BIS 355 Peace Corps Seminar. Centered around three core competencies in sector-specific skills, intercultural competence and leadership, the concentration encourages participation in service learning, internship opportunities and study abroad experience.
- Students must complete a minimum of 21 credit hours including 12 upper division hours for this concentration.
- Students are encouraged to take courses that develop breadth rather than limiting their selection to courses in one particular discipline.
- Depending upon a student's undergraduate program of study, prerequisite courses may be needed in order to complete the requirements of this concentration.
- Foreign language study to at least the 200 level is encouraged but not required.
- For Peace Corps placements in Spanish or French-speaking countries, foreign language proficiency at the 200 level is often required.
- Study abroad or international experience is encouraged but not required.
- Service Learning is required. Please visit the Service Learning Web Page for questions regarding placement and enrollment.
- For a complete list of available electives meet with your academic advisor to review the concentration DARs.
Required Courses (6 credit hours)
IDS/BIS 355 Peace Corps Seminar (3)
Choose one course from the following list:
USL 402 Service Learning: Education and Youth, C (3)
USL 410 Service Learning: Diverse Community Issues, L and C (3)
Global or Cultural Elective Requirement (6 credit hours)
Minimum 2 Elective courses must have a Global (G) or Cultural Awareness (C) Area designation.
(G) or (C) Electives are not limited to the Sector Areas below, students can consult with their academic advisor for a list of additional approved electives.
Certificate Elective Courses (9 credit hours)
Students will select 9 credit hours from one of the six program sectors in agriculture, community and economic development, education, environment, health and youth development. A minimum of six credit hours must be upper division.
Agriculture Sector
Examples of electives include, but are not limited to:
AGB 302 International Management and Agribusiness, G (3) (Prerequisite(s): ECN 212 or 214 with C or better; Credit is allowed for only AGB 302 or MGT 302 or BUA 394 (Perspectives in Global Business))
AGB 425 Food Supply Networks (3) (Prerequisite(s): AGB 250 or ECN 212)
AGB 452 Global Food and Agricultural Policy (3) (Prerequisite(s): minimum 45 hours)
ASB 300 Food and Culture, (L or SB) and C (3) (Pre-requisites: ENG 101, 105, 107, or ENG 111; Credit is allowed for only ASB or SSH 300)
Community and Economic Development Sector
Examples of electives include, but are not limited to:
ABS 364 Urban Forestry (3) (Prerequisite: ABS 260)
BIO 324 Environmental Ethics, HU (3) (Credit is allowed for only BIO 324 or PHI 310)
BIO 434 People and Nature: Ecosystem Services (3) (Prerequisites: MAT 117 or higher or SOS 101; junior standing. Credit is allowed for only BIO 434, SOS 434, or BIO 494 (EcosysServcs:People&Nature))
ECN 360 Economic Development, SB and G (3) (Prerequisites: ECN 211 or 213, ECN 212 or 214, and MAT 211 or 271 with C or better)
GCU 364 Energy in the Global Arena, SB and G (3)
SOS 327 Sustainable Food and Farms (3) (Prerequisites: Sustainability or Business Sustainability major; SOS 110 and SOS 111 (or PUP 190) with C or better; OR Non-Sustainability major with 2 of the following courses: SOS 100, SOS 110, SOS 111 (or PUP 190), SOS 300 with C or better)
Education Sector
Examples of electives include, but are not limited to:
AFR 350 Inequality and Diversity in Education, L and C (3) (Prerequisite(s): APA 200, AFR 212 (or AFS 210), APA 210, CDE 232, JUS 210, TCL 210 or minimum 30 hours; Credit allowed for only AFR 350 (or AFS 350), APA 350, CDE 350, JUS 365, SOC 350, TCL 360 or AFS/APA/CED/TCL 394 (Inequality & Diversity in Education))
ECD 321 Emerging Language and Literacy (3) (Prerequisite(s): admission to the Professional Program)
ECS 315 Classroom Organization and Child Guidance (3) (Prerequisite(s): Minimum junior standing)
HCR 402 Advocacy for Health and Health Education (3) (Prerequisite(s): HCR 303 with C or better)
SOC 421 Education and Society, SB (3)
SPF 301 Culture and Schooling, L (3) (Pre-requisites: ENG 102, 105 or 108 with C or better)
Environment Sector
Examples of electives include, but are not limited to:
ASB 375 Humans and Environment: What's the Connection?, (L or SB) and G (3)
BIO 320 Fundamentals of Ecology (3) (Prerequisite(s): BIO 181 (or BIO 188) and BIO 182 (or BIO 187 or PLB 200 and PLB 201) with C or better OR BIO 281 and 282 with C or better; CHM 116 or 118 with C or better)
BIO 322 Conservation of Biodiversity (3) (Prerequisite(s): BIO 181 (or BIO 188) and BIO 182 (or BIO 187 or both PLB 200 and PLB 201) with C or better OR BIO 281 and 282 with C or better)
GPH 314 Global Change, HU and G (3) (Prerequisite: Minimum 45 hours)
SOS 326 Sustainable Ecosystems (3)
Health Sector
Examples of electives include, but are not limited to:
ASB 301 Global History of Health, SB and G and H (3) (Prerequisite(s): minimum 45 hours; Credit is allowed for only ASB 301 or HST 301 or SSH 301)
ASB 305 Poverty and Global Health, (L or SB) and G (3) (Prerequisite(s): Credit is allowed for only ASB 305 or SSH 305 or WST 305)
ASM 345 Disease and Human Evolution (3) (Prerequisite(s): ASM 104 or BIO 100 or BIO 181 (or BIO 188) or BIO 182 (or BIO 187) or BIO 281 or BIO 282)
EXW 450 Social Determinants of Health and Health Behavior, (L or SB) and C (3) (Prerequisite(s): EXW 101 or 102 (or 290 or 300) with C or better; PSY 101 (or PGS 101) with C or better)
HSC 310 Health Communication (3)
Youth Development Sector
Examples of electives include, but are not limited to:
ASB 346 Marriage and Family Diversity, SB & C (3)
NLM 300 Fund Raising and Resource Development (3)
NLM 310 Volunteer Management (3) (Prerequisite: minimum 45 hours. Credit is allowed for only NLM or PRM 310)
PRM 315 Community Recreation Systems (3) (Prerequisites: PRM120 (REC120) with C or better)
SWU 456 Immigrants and Refugees, C (3) (Prerequisite(s): minimum junior standing; Credit is allowed for only SWU 456 or SWU 498 (Immigrants & Refugees) or SWG 556)
Interdisciplinary Studies Advising
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Arizona Center, Suite 380
Santa Catalina Hall
Urban Systems Engineering
College of Integrative Sciences and Arts | USE 138
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