Energy and Sustainability
If you want to create a sustainable energy future, this certificate program is for you. It draws from and complements a variety of other interdisciplinary studies concentrations.
The transdisciplinary concentration program in energy and sustainability examines current energy systems and explores what will be required to transition to a sustainable energy future.
Students begin with an overview of how energy affects people's lives, the basic science and methods of energy production, and a full overview of energy policy options. Students may tailor the concentration around their unique interests in energy with a variety of electives representing a broad array of academic disciplines. The breadth of their energy knowledge is enriched by taking courses outside their primary area of study.
An understanding of energy is increasingly important for jobs related to climate change, environmental quality, urban sustainability and sustainable development. This program helps students enhance their understanding of the technology and infrastructure for generating, distributing and using energy; the associated sustainability issues; and the social and policy dimensions of energy systems.
- Students must complete a minimum of 15 credit hours including 12 of upper division hours for this concentration.
- All courses must be completed with a grade of “C”
- A minimum GPA of 2.50 is required for all courses completed in the certificate
- Students must be at the sophomore level (25 credits) in order to take upper-division courses.
Required Core Courses -- 9 credit hours
SOS 171 / GCU 171: The Thread of Energy (3)
SOS 314: Basic Energy Science or SOS 324: Sustainable Energy Technology and Systems (3)
SOS 315: Energy Policy (3)
Energy Elective Courses -- 6 credit hours
ALT 412: Village Energy Systems (3)
CHM 394: Chemistry, Energy, and Society (3)
EGR 371: Best Practices for Humanitarian Engineering (3)
EGR 476: Microgrid Design and Operation (3)
ERM 494: Algae in Water/Energy/Food Nexus (3)
FIS 494: Climate Change, Energy, and Social Justice (3)
GCU 364: Energy in the Global Arena (3)
GCU 442: Geographical Analysis of Transportation (SB) (3)
GLG 304: Minerals, Energy, and Society (3)
GPH 405: Energy and Environment (3)
JUS 332: Politics of Energy Policy and Justice (3)
JUS 444: Environment and Justice (3)
PHY 498: The Science of Sustainable Energy (3)
POS 394: Global Environmental Politics (3)
PUP 430: Transportation Planning and the Environment (3)
SOS 309: History and Philosophy of Sustainability (3)
SOS 323: Sustainable Urban Dynamics (3)
SOS 435: U.S. Energy: Pathways to Sustainability (3)
SOS 494: Renewable Energy (3)
SOS 498: Designing a Living Building (3)
STS 317: Science, Technology, and Global Engagement (3)
STS 329: Technology in Developing Countries (3)
STS 332: Global Issues in Science and Technology (3)
TEM 450: Design for the Developing World (3)
394, 494 and 498 courses must be taken with the specific course title/topic indicated above.
Energy elective courses are not limited to courses from this list only. Other courses on energy may be offered (special topics, etc.). Students may request to have those approved as an elective for this certificate by submitting a College of Global Futures undergraduate standards petition: Completed petitions may be submitted directly to
Some energy elective courses have prerequisites. Any and all prerequisites must be met in order to select and enroll in those courses.
Some energy elective courses are more technical in nature, which may require additional math and science knowledge or prerequisites.
Interdisciplinary Studies Advising
All appointments:
Downtown Phoenix
Arizona Center, Suite 380
Santa Catalina Hall
Urban Systems Engineering
School of Sustainability | WGHL 108