Spanish for the Professions
The series of courses in the Spanish for the professions concentration will help students hone Spanish communication skills and cultural knowledge to serve the needs of the U.S. - Latino community in professional settings (i.e., education, social work, health care, criminology, and journalism). The combination of professionally focused courses and practical experience in this concentration will enhance students’ professional skills in positions that require advanced proficiency in Spanish and in-depth understanding of U.S. – Latino culture.
- Program Prerequisite: SPA 314/316 or permission of instructor.
- Students must complete a minimum of 18 credits
- All courses must be completed with a grade of “C” (2.00) or higher.
Required Courses: 12 hours
SPA 317 Introduction to Spanish for the Professions
SPA 404 Spanish in U.S. Professional Communities
SPA 405 Latino Cultural Perspectives for the Professions
SPA 484 Internship (3) (Prerequisites: completion of 12 credit hours in the concentration and instructor approval) Note: Before enrolling in SPA 484, students should complete a minimum of 12 credit hours in the certificate program and seek instructor approval by emailing
Electives 6 hours required
Elective Spanish courses need to be focused on the professions
NOT FROM: SPA 1 SPA 2 SPA 313 SPA 314 SPA 315 SPA 316 SPA 325 SPA 400 SPA 412 SPA 413 SPA 417 SPA 418 SPA 419 SPA 420 SPA 421 SPA 422 SPA 425 SPA 426 SPA 427 SPA 428 SPA 429 SPA 431 SPA 434 SPA 435 SPA 454 SPA 456 SPA 462 SPA 471 SPA 472 SPA 473 SPA 474 SPA 481 SPA 485 SPA 486 SPA 487
COM 362 Urban Communication: Reinventing the Latinx City (3)
COM 363 Latinxs and the Media (C) (3)
SPA 318 Advanced Spanish for Health Care Professionals (Students may not enroll in SPA 318 if credit earned in SPA 394 (Advanced Spanish for Health Care Professionals))
SPA 401 Spanish Oral Communication for the Professions (3) (Prerequisite: SPA 314 or 316; Students who have credit for SPA 494 (Spanish Oral Comm. for Profes) may not enroll in SPA 401)
SPA 402 Written Communication for the Professions (3) (Pre-requisite: SPA 314 or 316; Students who have credit for SPA 494 (Spanish Written Communication) may not enroll in SPA 402)
SPA 403 SPA 403 Spanish Grammar and Stylistics for the Professions (3)
SPA 406 Introduction to Spanish/English Medical Interpretation (3) (Prerequisite(s): SPA 314, SPA 316, or SPA 394 (Introduction to Spanish for the Professions); Credit is allowed for only SPA 406 or SPA 494 (Interpretation for Medical/Law Enforcement Personnel) or SPA 494 (Intro to Spanish/English Medical & Legal Interp))
SPA 494 Introduction to Spanish Translation for the Professions (3)
SPA 494 Latino/Lat. Amer. Film: Ethical Discus. for Professions (3)
SPA 494 Markets Migrants and Work Case Studies for Profess (3)
SPA Upper Division Elective (3)
Interdisciplinary Studies Advising
All appointments:
Downtown Phoenix
Arizona Center, Suite 380
Santa Catalina Hall
Urban Systems Engineering