The concentration in Romanian provides students with the means to develop their interests in social cultural and political matters that are marked by a strong language dimension.
- Students must complete a minimum of 18 credit hours of upper division (300-400 level) courses for this concentration.
- A minimum 6 upper division hours must be taken in courses offered by the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences.
- All courses must be completed with a grade of “C” (2.00) or higher. No Pass/Fail courses.
- ROM 101 through 201 are not applicable to the concentration.
- Course substitutions are permitted for Heritage speakers and other advanced speakers of Romanian, consult an advisor in the School of International Letters and Cultures for details.
Language Core - 9 credit hours
ROM 202 Intermediate Romanian Language and Culture II (4)
Notes: Only three credit hours of ROM 202 are allowed for the concentration.
ROM 313 Intermediate Composition and Conversation I, G (3) (Prerequisites: ROM 201)
ROM 314 Intermediate Composition and Conversation II, G (3) (Prerequisites: ROM 313 with a D or better)
Choose one track option below:
Upper Division Advanced Language Track - 9 credit hours
ROM 411 Advanced Spoken and Written Romanian I, G (3) (Prerequisites: Must have completed ROM 101, 201, 313, 314 with a grade of C or better)
ROM 412 Advanced Spoken and Written Romanian II, G (3) (Prerequisites: Completed ROM 101, 201, 313, 314, & ROM 411 with a grade of C or better)
Choose One:
ROM/SLC 310 Migration and Identity: Digital Storytelling, HU & G (3)
ROM/SLC 442 Dracula and Vampire Lore (3) (Prerequisite(s): ENG 101,105, or 107 with C or better; Credit is allowed for only ROM 442 or SLC 442 or SLC 494 (Dracula and Vampire Belief in the World) or SLC 494 (Dracula and Vampire Castles))
ROM 494 Special Topics (1-4)
ROM 499 Individualized Instruction (1-3)
SLC 343 Culture and Society Transformation, SB & G (3)
SLC 429 Studies in European Literature and Culture, (L or HU) & G & H (3) (Prerequisite(s) with C or better: ENG 101, 105, 107; ENG 200; one ENG 200- or 300-level literature course OR ENG 101, 105, 107; min 45 hours)
Upper Division Culture Track - 9 credit hours
ROM/SLC 310 Migration and Identity: Digital Storytelling, HU & G (3)
ROM/SLC 442 Dracula and Vampire Lore (3) (Prerequisite(s): ENG 101,105, or 107 with C or better; Credit is allowed for only ROM 442 or SLC 442 or SLC 494 (Dracula and Vampire Belief in the World) or SLC 494 (Dracula and Vampire Castles))
ROM 494 Special Topics (1-4)
ROM 499 Individualized Instruction (1-3)
SLC 343 Culture and Society Transformation, SB & G (3)
SLC 429 Studies in European Literature and Culture, (L or HU) & G & H (3) (Prerequisite(s) with C or better: ENG 101, 105, 107; ENG 200; one ENG 200- or 300-level literature course OR ENG 101, 105, 107; min 45 hours)
Interdisciplinary Studies Advising
All appointments:
Downtown Phoenix
Arizona Center, Suite 380
Santa Catalina Hall
Urban Systems Engineering
School of International Letters and Cultures | DH 131