Music Theatre
The concentration in music theatre allows students who have a background, interest or passion in music theatre to continue their studies and further explore the craft. Students develop skills through performance-based small group classes and private instruction, and coursework also includes the study of theoretical and historical elements of music and theatre.
Other Enrollment Requirements: An audition is required for entrance into the minor and MUP 121 study. Audition criteria are determined by area faculty and will be similar to the MUP 111 and MUP 311 criteria found in the Audition Requirements section on this webpage:
- Two songs (whole songs, not cuttings) total, to be performed with live piano accompaniment (accompanist provided, or students may choose to bring their own). Both songs must be from musicals, and they must contrast one another. One must demonstrate a "legitimate" style of singing utilizing legato line, and the other can be a contrasting style of your choosing (including pop, rock and belting).
- Note: Students may elect to perform one classical selection (an art song or an aria from opera or oratorio) instead of two songs from musicals. The classical piece may be in English or in a foreign language. This could be in place of either piece.
- Monologue: One monologue from a musical or a play, not exceeding one minute in length, will be performed separately from the singing and dance audition.
- Dance Assessment: All applicants must perform a dance assessment separate from the singing audition. The purpose of the assessment is to gain a full picture of the complete musical theatre performer. Students should wear comfortable movement or dance attire and character shoes or shoes that are easy to move in. Students will be taught two brief combinations. There will be dressing rooms available in which to change before and after the dance audition. The dance and monologue audition will take place prior to the singing audition.
Advisors should not add the IDS concentration until the student presents an acceptance letter from the School of Music Academic Affairs Office confirming that the student has successfully passed the audition.
- Students must complete a minimum of 21 credit hours including 12 of upper division hours for this concentration.
- All courses must be completed with a grade of “C” (2.00) or higher.
- A maximum of 9 hours may be transferred from another institution and applied toward this concentration.
- * Students must consult the academic advising office with the School of Music to obtain an enrollment override into MUP 121/321 for each semester the course is taken.
- ** Students must pass the theory diagnostic exam on this link: with a 70% or higher before an override for enrollment in MTC 125 will be provided by the School of Music.
Required Performance Courses - 14 credit hours
MUP 121: Voice (2)
Note: Two semesters of MUP 121 are required
MUP 467: Music Theatre Dance Technique (2)
Note: Two semesters of MUP 467 are required
MUP 170: Music Theatre I (2)
MUP 172: Music Theatre II (2)
MUP 321: Voice (1)
MUP 360: Musicianship for Singers (1)
MUP 374: Technical Production I (Foundations) (1)
MUP 374: Technical Production II (Practicum) (1)
MUP 451: Music Theatre Repertoire (2)
Music History - 3 credit hours
MUS 356 Broadway and the American Musical (HU) (3)
Music Theory - 3 credit hours
MUS 100: Fundamentals of Music Notation OR MTC 125: Basic Music Theory (3)
Note: Students will take a theory diagnostic exam to determine placement in either MUS 100 or MTC 125.
Upper Division Music Elective - 1 credit hour
MUP 321 Voice (1)
MUP 373 Music Theatre Performance and Production (1)
MUP 471 Music Theatre: Workshops (1)
MUS 355 American Music (HU & C & H) (3)
THE 322 Theatre History and Culture (HU & H) (3)
Music Electives - 3 credit hours
MUP 270 Music Theatre III (2)
MUP 272 Music Theatre IV (2)
MUP 321 Voice (1)
MUP 373 Music Theatre Performance and Production (1)
MUP 471 Music Theatre: Workshops (1)
MUS 131 Bach to Bebop (3)
MUS 355 American Music (HU & C & H) (3)
THE 322 Theatre History and Culture (HU & H) (3)
Interdisciplinary Studies Advising
All appointments:
Downtown Phoenix
Arizona Center, Suite 380
Santa Catalina Hall
Urban Systems Engineering
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