Film and Media Production*
Students pursuing the film and media production concentration will study the basic production processes of film while exploring its history and contemporary social issues.
- Students must complete a minimum of 17 credit hours including 9 upper division hours for this concentration.
- Electives must be related to film and media production. Choose from courses with the FMP, THF, THP or THE prefix. Contact the school for options and course requirements.
- All courses must be completed with a grade of “C” (2.00) or higher.
- A maximum of 6 hours of transfer work is accepted toward this concentration.
- Prerequisite courses may be needed in order to complete the requirements of this concetration depending upon elective course selection.
- *Students considering a minor in theatre concurrently must complete an additional course in theatre or film to make up for the overlapping FMP 201 course.
- M - Course transfer equivalent available from Maricopa County Community College District, details are provided on the Transfer Information tab.
Lower Division 8 Hours Required
FMP 201 Film: The Creative Process I, HU (3)M*
FMP 250 Sex and Violence in Film and TV: Ethics Survey (3)
FMP 280: Introduction to Film and Media Production (2)
Upper Division 3 Hours Required
FMP 403 Independent Film, HU (3) (Prerequisite(s): ENG 102, 105 or 108 with C or better)
THE 403 Independent Film, HU (3)
Upper Division Film and Media Production 6 Hours
Select in consultation with an advisor in the School of Theatre and Film.
FMP 318 Directing for Film and Media I (3) (Prerequisite(s): FMP 300 with C or better)
FMP 320 Film and Media Post-Production II (3) (Prerequisite(s): FMP 220 with C or better; FMP 300 (Film Production Part 1 or Film Production: Film & Media Part 1 or THE 400) with C or better)
FMP 325 Guerilla VFX (3) (Prerequisite(s): FMP 225 with C or better; Credit is allowed for only FMP 325 or FMP 294 (Guerilla VFX))
FMP 330 Professional and Technical Writing for Film/TV Industry (3) (Prerequisite(s): THF 220 with C or better; Minimum 56 hours; Credit is allowed for only FMP 330 or 494 (Prof & Tech Writing for Film, Media & TV Industry))
FMP 335 Careers in Film and Media Industry (3) (Prerequisite(s): FMP 201 with C or better; Credit is allowed for only FMP 335 or FMP 394 (Independent Film and Media Industry) or FMP 494 (Independent Film and Media Industry))
FMP 345 Lighting Design (3)
FMP 361 Intermediate Screenwriting (3)
FMP 365 Developing a Series (3)
FMP 370 Producing for Film and Media (3) (Prerequisite(s): FMP 300 with C or better; Credit is allowed for only FMP 370 or FMP 494 (Producing Film))
FMP 394 Special Topics (1-4)
FMP/THE 404 World Cinema (G) (3) (Prerequisite(s): ENG 102, 105 or 108 with C or better)
FMP 405 Film and Television: Pioneers, Practices and Innovations (HU) (3) (Prerequisite(s): ENG 102, 105 or 108 with C or better)
THE 405 Film: Great Performers and Directors, HU (3)
FMP 417 Business and Legal Practices in Entertainment (3)
FMP 418: Directing for Film and Media II (3)
FMP 465: Series Writers Workshop (3)
FMP 475: Producing Series (3)
FMP 494: Special Topics (3)
THE 406: American Multicultural Film (HU & C) (3)
THE 421: Shakespeare: Stage and Film (L or HU) (3)
THE 430 History of Fashion I (HU) (3)
THE 431 History of Fashion II: 20th-Century Fashion (3)
THP 330 Costume Design (3) (Prerequisites: THF 215 or THP 313 with C or better)
THP 340 Scene Design (3) (Prerequisite(s): THF 220 with C or better; THP 213 with C or better OR Digital Culture (Theatre) major)
THP 344: Drafting (2) (Prerequisite(s): THP 213 with C or better)
THP 345 Lighting Design (3) (Prerequisites: Minimum Junior standing or Design & Production student with minimum sophomore standing)
THP 350 Sound Design (3) (Prerequisite(s): THF 215 or THP 313 with B- or better)
THP 351 Arts Management (3) (Prerequisite: minimum 45 hours; Credit is allowed for only THP 351 or 394 (Management and the Arts))
THP 355 Media Design for Performance (3) (Prerequisite: THF 215 or THP 313 with B- or better)
THP 394 Special Topics: [*WRIT*HORROR*] (1-4)
THP 442 Drawing (3)
THP 444 Drafting for the Stage (3)
THP 445 Advanced Lighting Design (3) (Prerequisites: THP345 C or better, or Theatre Scenography or Performance Design student AND THP444 with B or better)
THP 452 Arts Entrepreneurship Seminar (3) (Prerequisites: THP 352 with C or better)
THP 455 Advanced Media Design (3) (Prerequisites: THP 355 with C or better; Credit is allowed for only THP 455 or THP 494 (Advanced Media Design))
Interdisciplinary Studies Advising
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