The fashion concentration offers grounding in the history, social context and economics of the contemporary fashion industry. Students also have the option of pursuing more focused classes designed to introduce students to a variety of roles in this important industry: fashion history, fashion industry business practices, and fashion design and production. Among the subjects that may be related to the students' other concentration area are marketing and merchandising, costuming, wearable technology, sustainability, management and leadership, international experience and fashion and culture. Due to the relationship of these subjects to a wide variety of disciplines, students can creat a strong foundation for a variety of careers. Opportunities for internships and study abroad could further advance students' professional goals. Through the leadership of well-known fashion industry professionals, the concentration in fashion at ASU will be connected globally to leaders in the industry.
Prgram Requirements
- Students must complete a minimum of 18 credit hours including 9 upper division hours for this concentration.
- All courses must be completed with a grade of “C” (2.00) or higher.
Required Courses - 9 credit hours
FSH 201: Textiles Survey (3)
FSH 325: Personal Style and Wardrobe (3) (Prerequisite(s): minimum 45 hours; Credit is allowed for only FSH 325 or FSH 394 (Personal Style and Wardrobe)
FSH 435: Contemporary Fashion (3) (Prerequisite(s): ENG 101, 105, or 107 with C or better; minimum 45 hours)
Notes: Please complete either FSH 201 or FSH 325 before enrolling in Contemporary Fashion (FSH 435).
Upper Division Fashion Electives - 3 credit hours
FSH 300: Global Fashion Industry (G) (3) (Prerequisite(s): FSH 204 or 206 with C or better)
FSH 394: Special Topics (1-4)
FSH 494: Special Topics (1-4)
Fashion & Related Studies Electives - 6 credit hours
ART 110: Drawing as Seeing and Thinking (HU) (3)
ART 276: Introduction to Textiles (3)
ART 376: Weaving and Dyeing (3)
ART 377: Textile Design (3)
ART 378: Digital Textiles (3)
FSH 194: Special Topics (3)
FSH 202: Fashion Construction (3)
FSH 203: Fashion Illustration (3) (Prerequisite(s): ART 110 or ART 111; Credit is allowed for only FSH 203 or FSH 294 (Fashion Illustration))
FSH 204: Social Aspects of Fashion (L or HU or SB) (3) (Prerequisite(s): ENG 101, 102, 105, 107, or 108; FSH 125)
FSH 206: Fashion Design (3) (Prerequisite(s): FSH 202)
FSH/MKT 280: Fashion Merchandising (3)
FSH 294: Fashion Hairstyling Basics (1)
FSH 294: Special Topics (1-4)
FSH 300: Global Fashion Industry (G) (3)
FSH 394: Special Topics (1-4)
FSH 494: Special Topics (1-4)
MKT 390: Essentials of Marketing (3)
MKT 391: Essentials of Selling (3)
MKT 395: Essentials of Advertising and Marketing Communication (3)
MKT 397: Essentials of Global Marketing (3)
THE 430: History of Fashion I (HU) (3)
THE 431: History of Fashion II: 20th-Century Fashion (3)
Interdisciplinary Studies Advising
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Arizona Center, Suite 380
Santa Catalina Hall
Urban Systems Engineering
Find your Herberger Lead Advisor at:
ART 102