The School of Film, Dance and Theatre provides a dynamic and culturally diverse learning environment in which students develop their creativity as artists, scholars and educators. The interdisciplinary curriculum promotes creative collaboration and a holistic approach to acquiring skills for successful career transitions. Movement practices, performance and creativity practice define the core of the program. The rich educational experience is further enhanced by studies in criticism, dance cultures, dance history, digital media, movement science, music, philosophy, production, somatics, pedagogy and leadership.
- Students are required to meet with an advisor in the Herberger Office of Student Success prior to declaring the concentration.
- Students must complete a minimum of 20 credit hours including 9 of upper division hours for this concentration.
- Students must maintain an overall cumulative GPA of 3.00 or higher for Dance courses.
- Additional information about the School of Film, Dance and Theatre is available at:
- M - Course transfer equivalent available from Maricopa County Community College District, details are provided on the Transfer Information tab.
Choose one course - 3 credit hours
DCE 100: Introduction to Dance (HU) (3)
DCE 201: Dance, Culture, and Global Contexts (HU) (3)
DCE 202: Dance in U.S. Popular Culture (HU & C) (3)
DCE 203: The Walking Body (HU) (3)
DCE 205: How Dance Matters: A Sociocultural Framing (C) (3)
Non-Major Technique 8 Hours Required
Select courses from the following (students interested in enrolling in movement courses reserved for dance majors must gain instructor permission prior to enrolling):
DCE 110 Argentine Tango I (2)
DCE 111 Raqs Sharqi I (2)
DCE 112 Capoeira I (2)
DCE 113 Dances of Africa 1 (2)
DCE 114 Dances of India I (2)
DCE 115 Yoga I (2) (Credit is allowed for only DCE 115 or 194 (Yoga I))
DCE 116 T'ai Chi Ch'uan I (2)
DCE 117 Feldenkrais I (2)
DCE 118 Yoga/Pilates (2)
DCE 120 Modern Dance 1 (2)
DCE 121 Ballet 1 (2)
DCE 122 Jazz I (2)
DCE 123 Hip Hop I (2)
DCE 124 Latin/Swing/Ballroom I (2)
DCE 125 Latin/Salsa I (2)
DCE 126 Country-Western (2)
DCE 133 Urban Movement Practices I (2)
DCE 134 Postmodern Contemporary I (2)
DCE 135 Contemporary Ballet I (2)
DCE 136 Somatic Practices I (2)
DCE 139 Afro-Latin Movement Practices I (2)
DCE 194 Special Topics (1-3)* (Credit is allowed for only DCE 115 or 194 (Yoga I))
DCE 210 Argentine Tango II (2) (Prerequisite: DCE 110 or DAN/DCE 194 Argentine Tango I)
DCE 211 Raqs Sharqi II (2) (Prerequisite: DCE 111 or DAN 194 Raqs Sharqi I)
DCE 216 T'ai Chi Ch'uan II (2) (Prerequisites: DCE 116 or DAN 194 T'ai Chi Ch'uan I)
DCE 220 Modern Dance 2 (2) (Prerequisites: Students who have credit for DAN 130-Modern II-topic 38 may not enroll in DCE 220)
DCE 221 Ballet 2 (2)
DCE 222 Jazz II (2) (Prerequisite: DCE 122 or DAN 130 Jazz I)
DCE 223 Hip Hop II (2) (Prerequisites: DCE 123 or DAN 194 Hip Hop I)
DCE 224 Latin/Swing/Ballroom II (2) (Prerequisite: DCE 124 or DAN 194 Latin/Swing/Ballroom I)
DCE 225 Latin/Salsa II (2) (Prerequisites: DCE 125 or DAN 194 Latin/Salsa I)
DCE 240 Media for Dance, CS (3)
DCE 294 Special Topics* (2)
DCE 324 Latic/Swing/Ballroom III (2) (Prerequisite(s): Performance and Movement BA or Dance BFA major; DCE 134 with C or better)
* Consult with a Herberger academic advisor when selecting DCE 194 or DCE 294 Special Topics courses.
Upper Division Theory 3 Hours
Select courses from the following:
DCE 300 Moving Histories (3)
DCE 301 Meaning in Motion (3)
DCE 303 The Body Condition(ed) (SB) (3)
DCE 350 Dance in the Classroom: Learning through Movement (3) (Prerequisites: ENG 102, 105 or 108 with C or better; Junior standing)
DCE 402 Ethnography of Dance Practices, (L or HU) & G (3) (Prerequisite: DCE 201 with C or better)
DCE 404 Dance and Ethics (3) (Prerequisite(s): ENG 102, 105 or 108 with C or better; minimum junior standing)
DCE 405 Rhetorical Moves (L or HU) (3) (Prerequisite(s): minimum 45 hours)
Upper Division Electives 6 Hours
Select in consultation with an advisor in the Herberger Office of Student Success.
DCE 300 level elective
DCE 400 level elective
Interdisciplinary Studies Advising
All appointments:
Downtown Phoenix
Arizona Center, Suite 380
Santa Catalina Hall
Urban Systems Engineering
Find your Herberger Lead Advisor at: