American Indian Studies
The concentration in American Indian studies is designed for students interested in developing an understanding of American Indian issues and analyzing issues through critical inquiry.
- Students must complete a minimum of 18 credit hours, including 12 hours of upper division courses.
- A minimum of 9 hours must be taken in courses offered by the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences.
- All courses must be completed with a grade of "C" (2.00).
- Students completing Upper Division Navajo Language courses can apply credits to electives with a DARS exception request.
Required Courses - 9 credit hours
AIS 180 Intro to American Indian Studies, C (3)
AIS 285 Federal Indian Policy, H & C (3) OR AIS 385 (before 2013)
AIS 380 Contemporary Issues of American Indian Nations (3) (this course is offered in fall sessions only)
Upper Division Electives - 9 credit hours
AIS 320 American Indian Philosophical/World Views, HU & C, (3) (Prerequisite(s): ENG 102, 105, or 108 with C or better; junior standing; Credit is allowed for only AIS 320 or AIS 394 (American Indian Philosophical/World Views))
AIS 360 Issues Urban Indian Country, C (3) (Prerequisite(s): ENG 102, 105, or 108 with C or better; junior standing; Credit is allowed for only AIS 320 or AIS 394 (Issues Urban Indian Country))
AIS 370 American Indian Languages and Cultures, C (3) (Prerequisite(s): AIS 180 with C or better)
AIS 380 Contemporary Issues of American Indian Nations (3)
AIS 381 American Indian Women, C (3)
AIS 385 Entrepreneurship for American Indian Sustainability (3)
AIS 394 Topics: [*AM *IND *EC*], [*INDI*NAT*BUI*], [*AM* *IND* *INDIG* *FILM]
AIS 420 American Indian Studies Research methods, L (3) (Prerequisites: Must have completed AIS 180 with a grade of C or greater) (this course is offered in fall sessions only)
AIS 430 Contemporary Indigenous Spirituality (3) (Prerequisite: ENG 102, 105 or 108 with C or better; Minimum Junior standing; Credit is allowed for only AIS 430 or 494 (Ind Spirituality in Postmodern))
AIS 440 Cultural Professionalism, C (3) OR AIS 494 [*CULTURAL* *PROFESSION*]
AIS 455 Human Rights and Cultural Resource Laws (3) (Prerequisite: ENG 102, 105 or 108 with C or better; Minimum Junior standing; Credit is allowed for only AIS 455 or 494 (American Indian Cultural Resources))
AIS 470 Tribal Government and Politics (3) (Pre-requisite: AIS 285; Credit is allowed for only AIS 470 or AIS 494, Tribal Governance)
AIS 480 Actualizing Decolonization (3) (Prerequisites: ENG 101; ENG 102; Junior standing; Credit is allowed for only AIS 480 or 494 (Readings-Decolonization))
AIS 484 Internship
AIS 494 Topics: [*CRIME *INDIAN*], [*IND* *RIGHTS*], [*CRIT* *ISSUES* *IND* *ED*], [*INDIG* *LANG* *REVITAL*] (3)
AIS 498 Pro-Seminar
ENG 359 Indigenous American Literature (3)
ENG 361 Scriptwriting (3)
HST 337 American Indian History to 1900 ((HU or SB) & C & H) (3)
HST 338 American Indian History since 1900 ((HU or SB) & C & H) (3)
IED 430 Language/Literacy of Indigenous Peoples, (Hu or SB) & C (3)
Interdisciplinary Studies Advising
All appointments:
Downtown Phoenix
Arizona Center, Suite 380
Santa Catalina Hall
Urban Systems Engineering