Environmental Humanities
The environmental humanities concentration offers students who are interested in humanities-based approaches to the current global environmental crisis an option to focus in this vital area of study. Students take three ENG/ENH courses and four electives from selected programs that are focused wholly or in large-part on the human relationship to the environment and the relationship between nature and culture. To gain practical experience, students also complete a required English internship in environmental activism, policy development, education or other pertinent areas.
- Students must complete a minimum of 15 credit hours including at least 12 upper division credit hours for this concentration.
- All courses must be completed with a grade of “C” (2.00) or higher.
- A minimum of 6 upper-division hours must be taken in courses offered in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences.
- Other ENG courses may be approved by an English advisor depending on special- or variable-topics courses available in given semesters. An updated elective course list may be obtained through the Department of English advising center.
- If an environmental internship is not feasible, a student may petition to substitute (a.) an ENG 499 Independent Study on an environmental studies applied project or literature/writing topic OR (b.) an ENG 400-level course in environmental literature/writing.
- Interdisciplinary Studies students may use only one concentration from the Department of English.
Core - 3 credit hours
Choose one course from the following.
ENG 367 Environmental Issues in Literature and Film, L or HU, (3)
ENG 371 Topic: Rhetoric of the Environmental Movement (3)
ENG 378 The American Southwest in Literature and Film (3)
Internship or Independent Study - 3 credit hours
ENG 484 Undergraduate Internship: Environmental Humanities Certificate (3)
ENG 499 Independent Study (3)
Electives - 9 credit hours
Note: Additional ENG or other courses may be approved by a Tempe campus English advisor.
ENG 344 Intermediate Family History Research (3)
ENG 363 Transborder Mexican and Chicano/a Literature of Southwest North America, (L or HU) & C (3)
ENG 367 Environmental Issues in Literature and Film, L or HU, (3)
ENG 371 Topic: Rhetoric of the Environmental Movement (3)
ENG 378 The American Southwest in Literature and Film (3)
ENG 468 Environmental Literary Criticism, L or HU (3)
ASB 326 Human Impacts on Ancient Environments, SB & H (3)
ASB/SOS 370 Production, People, and Environments, L or SB (3)
BIO 324/PHI 310 Environmental Ethics, HU (3)
HST 342 US West 20th Century, SB & H (3)
HST 345 Environmental History, L (3)
JUS 332 Politics of Energy Policy/ Justice (3)
JUS 444 Environment and Justice, L & C (3) (Minimum 36 semester hours; minimum 2.50 GPA)
PSY/PGS 306 Environmental Psychology, SB (3) (Pre-requisites: Must have completed PGS 101 with a grade of C or greater)
REL 349 Nature, Sustainability and Religion (3)
SGS 330 Globalization and the Environments (3)
SOC 331 Environmental Sociology, SB, G (3)
SOS 110 Sustainable World (3)
SOS 320 Society and Sustainability, L or SB (3) (Prerequisites: SOS 110 with C or better; SOS 111 (or PUP 190) with C or better)
Interdisciplinary Studies Advising
All appointments:
Downtown Phoenix
Arizona Center, Suite 380
Santa Catalina Hall
Urban Systems Engineering
LL 542