English Literature
Students pursuing a concentration English literature study British, American and global literatures in English from the earliest writings to the present.
- Students must complete a minimum of 24 credit hours including 12 of upper division hours for this concentration.
- A minimum 6 upper division hours must be taken in courses offered by the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences.
- All courses must be completed with a grade of “C” (2.00) or higher.
- Internships (ENG 484) are encouraged; see English Internship Coordinator for more information.Students may select only one concentration from the Department of English for the Interdisciplinary Studies degree.
- * These courses require prerequisites of ENG 200 with C or better AND one 200-level literature course with C or better.
Required Core 3 hours
ENG 200 Critical Reading and Writing about Literature, L or HU (3)
Literature Areas and Periods 9 hours (one of which must be 400 level)
Select one course from three of the following four clusters.
Literature and Culture Before 1800
ENG 201 World Literature, HU & H & G (3)
ENG 202 World Literature, HU & H (3)
ENG 221 Survey of English Literature, HU (3)
ENG 241 Literatures of the United States to 1860, HU (3)
ENG 303 Classical Backgrounds of English Literature, HU (3)
ENG 315 Medieval Literature in Translation, HU (3)
ENG 316 Literary Reading of the Hebrew Bible, L or HU (3) (Prerequisite(s): minimum 45 hours. Credit is allowed for only ENG 316, HEB 316, JST 316, REL 316 or HEB 394 (Literary Readings of the Bible))
ENG 321 Shakespeare, L or HU
ENG 325 Restoration and the 18th Century (3)
ENG 326 English Drama 1660-1800, HU (3)
ENG 328 The Novel to Jane Austen, HU & H (3)
ENG 356 The Bible as Literature HU (3)
ENG 415 Studies in Medieval Literature and Culture, HU (3)*
ENG 416 Chaucer in Middle English, HU (3)*
ENG 418 Renaissance Literature, L or HU (3)*
ENG 421 Studies in Shakespeare, HU (3)*
ENG 422 Special Topics in Shakespeare, HU (3)*
ENG 423 Renaissance Drama, L or HU (3)*
ENG 424 Milton, HU (3)*
ENG 425 Studies in Romanticism, HU (3)*
ENG 427 Studies in 18th Century Literature and Culture, HU (3)*
ENG 476 Studies in Folklore, (L or HU or SB) & C (3)*
Literature and Culture After 1800
ENG 204 Introduction to Contemporary Literature, HU (3)
ENG 222 Survey of English Literature, HU & H (3)
ENG 242 Literatures of the United States, 1860 to Present, HU (3)
ENG 245 Popular Culture Issues, L (3)
ENG 329 19th-Century British Fiction, L or HU (3)
ENG 330 19th Century British Poetry (3)
ENG 333 American Ethnic Literature, (L or HU) & C (3)
ENG 335 American Poetry (3) (Prerequisite(s): ENG 102, ENG 105, or ENG 108 with C or better)
ENG 337 Major American Novels, L or HU (3)
ENG 338 Protest Literature (3) (Prerequisite(s): ENG 102, ENG 105, or ENG 108 with C or better; minimum 24 earned hours; credit is allowed for ENG 394 (Banned Literature), 338 or 440 (American Protest Novels))
ENG 342 20th Century British and Irish Literature, HU (3)
ENG 345 Selected Authors or Issues (3-4)
ENG 347 Modern Israeli Literature in Translation, HU & G (3) (Prerequisite(s): ENG 101, 105, or 107 with C or better; Credit is allowed for only ENG 347 or HEB 347 or JST 347 or SLC 347 or ENG/HEB/JST/SLC 394 (Modern Hebrew Literature in Translation))
ENG 352 Short Story, L or HU (3)
ENG 353 African American literature: Beginnings through the Harlem Renaissance (L or HU) & C (3)
ENG 354 African American Literature: Harlem Renaissance to the Present (L or HU) & C (3)
ENG 359 Indigenous American Literature (L or HU) & C (3)
ENG 360 Western American Literature, L or HU (3)
ENG 363 Transborder Mexican and Chicano/a Literature of the Southwest North America, (L or HU) & C (3)
ENG 364 Women and Literature, HU (3)
ENG 367 Environmental Issues in Literature and Film, L or HU (3)
ENG 369 Science Fiction Studies (3)
ENG 426 British Culture and Empire (3) (Prerequisites: One course in ARS, ENG, or HST at 200 level or higher with B or better)
ENG 429 Studies in European Literature and Culture (3)* (Credit is allowed for only ENG 429 or SLC 429)
ENG 430 Studies in Victorian Literature and Culture, L or HU (3)*
ENG 434 Studies in the Literature and Culture of the Americas, HU & C (3)*
ENG 435 Literatures and Cultures of Immigration and Diaspora (3)
ENG 436 Studies in Anglophone Literature and Culture (3)*
ENG 440 Studies in American Literature and Culture, HU (3)*
ENG 442 Studies in 20th Century British and Irish Literature and Culture (3)*
ENG 444 Studies in American Romanticism, HU (3)*
ENG 445 Studies in American Realism, L or HU (3)
ENG 447 Experimental Narrative (3)
ENG 448 Studies in Irish Literature and Culture, HU (3)
ENG 452 Studies in the Novel, HU (3)
ENG 455 Contemporary Women Writers (3)
ENG 457 Studies in American Poetry, HU (3)
ENG 458 Latina/o Literature ((L or HU) & C) (3)
ENG 459 Studies in African American/Caribbean Literatures (L or HU) & G (3)
ENG 461 Studies in Women and Literature HU (3)
ENG 465 Studies in Film (3-4)
ENG 469 Science and Literature, L or HU (3)*
ENG 470 Symbols and Archetypes in Children's Literature, L or HU (3)
ENG 471 Literature for Young Adults, HU (3)*
ENG 478 Studies in Modernism L or HU (3)
Literary Theory and Interdisciplinary Studies
ENG 205 Introduction to Writing, Rhetorics and Literacies, L (3)
ENG 400 History of Literary Criticism, (L or HU) & H (3)*
ENG 401 Topics in Critical Theory (3) (Prerequisite(s): ENG 200 with C or better and one 200-level literature course with C or better OR New College or Integrative Sciences and Arts undergraduate student and minimum junior academic level and one 200-level (or higher) English course with C or better)
ENG 434 Studies in the Literature and Culture of the Americas, HU & C (3)*
ENG 435 Literatures and Cultures of Immigration and Diaspora (3)
ENG 436 Studies in Anglophone Literature and Culture (3)*
ENG 469 Science and Literature, L or HU (3)*
ENG 472 Rhetorical Studies, L (3) (Prerequisites: Completed ENG 102, 105, or 108 with C or better; Minimum 56 hours)
ENG 476 Studies inFolklore (L or HU or SB) & C (3)
Transnational, Postcolonial and Global Literatures
ENG 316 Literary Reading of the Hebrew Bible, L or HU (3) (Prerequisite(s): minimum 45 hours. Credit is allowed for only ENG 316, HEB 316, JST 316, REL 316 or HEB 394 (Literary Readings of the Bible))
ENG 347 Modern Israeli Literature in Translation, HU & G (3) (Prerequisite(s): ENG 101, 105, or 107 with C or better; Credit is allowed for only ENG 347 or HEB 347 or JST 347 or SLC 347 or ENG/HEB/JST/SLC 394 (Modern Hebrew Literature in Translation))
ENG 356 The Bible as Literature HU (3)
ENG 359 Indigenous American Literature (L or HU) & C (3)
ENG 363 Transborder Mexican and Chicano/a Literature of the Southwest North America, (L or HU) & C (3)
ENG 429 Studies in European Literature and Culture (3)
ENG 434 Studies in the Literature and Culture of the Americas, HU & C (3)*
ENG 435 Literatures and Cultures of Immigration and Diaspora (3)
ENG 436 Studies in Anglophone Literature and Culture (3)*
ENG 458 Latina/o Literature, (Lor HU) & C (3)
ENG 459 Studies in African American/Caribbean Literatures (L or HU) & G (3)
ENG Upper Division Elective - 9 credit hours
Any ENG 300 or 400 level course.
ENG Elective - 3 credit hours
Any ENG 200, 300, or 400 level course.
Interdisciplinary Studies Advising
All appointments:
Downtown Phoenix
Arizona Center, Suite 380
Santa Catalina Hall
Urban Systems Engineering
LL 542