The concentration in anthropology provides students with a great deal of flexibility in selecting courses. The program has been designed to allow students to focus on areas within the discipline that articulate well with other concentrations. All students interested in the anthropology concentration are encouraged to discuss the options available with a School of Human Evolution and Social Change undergraduate advisor.
- Students must complete a minimum of 18 credit hours including 12 upper division hours.
- 6 hours of the required 12 upper division hours must be taken through the College of Liberal Arts & Sciences
- All courses must be completed with a grade of “C” (2.00) or higher.
- Two of the introductory courses from ASB 102, ASM 104 and ASB 222 (or 223) are required. However, the particular introductory courses selected may limit the anthropology courses available in the upper division.
- Consult a School of Human Evolution and Social Change advisor for upper division elective courses.
- For a complete list of courses offered through the School of Human Evolution and Social Change view - please note that only courses specifically marked as "core courses" may be considered for this concentration. You MUST consult with your academic advisor prior to enrollment so that an exception can be made in your academic record.
Required Introductory Courses - minimum 6 credit hours
Choose two of the following courses:
ASB 102 Introduction to Cultural and Social Anthropology, SB & G (3)
ASB 222 Buried Cities and Lost Tribes, (HU or SB) & G & H (3) OR ASB 223 Buried Civilizations of the Americas, (HU or SB) & G & H (3)
ASM 104 Bones, Stones and Human Evolution, SB or SG (4)
Upper-Division Subfield Groups - 6 credit hours
Select one course from two of the three groups:
Sociocultural / Linguistics
ASB 300/SSH 300 Food and Culture, (L or SB) & C (3) (Credit allowed for only ASB or SSH 300)
ASB 305 Poverty and Global Health ((L or SB) & G) (3)
ASB 316 Money and Culture, L or SB, (3)
ASB 322 Peoples of Latin America, (L or SB) & G (3) (Prerequisites: ASB 102 with C or better or minimum 45 hours)
ASB 327 Disaster!, (L or SB) & C (3) (Prerequisite(s): ASB 102 with C or better or minimum 45 hours)
ASB 353 / SOC 353 Death and Dying in Cross-Cultural Perspective, (HU or SB) & G (3-4) (Prerequisite: min 45 earned credit hours; Students who have credit for SOC 353, may not enroll in ASB 353)
ASB 357 Society, Drugs and Health, SB & G (3) OR ASB 395 [SOCIETY *DRUGS]
ASB/SOC/SOS/SSH 370 Ethics of Eating, L or SB (3) (Prerequisite(s): ENG 102, 105, or 108 with C or better; Credit is allowed for only ASB 370 or ASB 394 (Production, People, and Environments) or ASB 394 (Ethics of Eating) or SOC 370 or SOS 370 or SSH 370)
ASB/TLC 378 McGlobalization: Migration, Mass Media and McDonald's, (L or SB) & C (3) (Prerequisite(s): Credit is allowed for only ASB 378 or TCL 378)
ASB 380 Language, Culture and Gender (SB) (3)
ASB 394 [*STATI* *SOCIA*] (3)
ASB 452/SSH 402 Community Partnerships for Global Health, SB (3-9) (Prerequisites: min 45 credit hours; SSH 100 or ASB 100; Students who have credit for SSH 402, may not enroll in ASB 452)
ASB 455/SSH 405 Senior Seminar in Global Health (3) (Prerequisites: Global Health major; Minimum 87 hours; SSH 100 or ASB 100 and SSH 403 or ASB 443 with C or better; Credit is allowed for only ASB 455 or SSH 405)
ASM 414 Urban and Environmental Health (3)
ASB 301 Global History of Health, SB & G & H (3) (Prerequisite(s): minimum 45 hours; Credit is allowed for only ASB 301 or HST 301 or SSH 301)
ASB 330 Principles of Archaeology, SB (3) (Prerequisites: ASB 222 or ASB 223; minimum 56 hours)
ASB 333 Frauds, Myths and Mysteries ((HU or SB) & G) (3)
ASB 335 Prehistory /Southwest, SB & H & C (3) (Prerequisites: ASB 102, ASB 222 or ASB 223 or minimum 45 credit hours)
ASB 337 Pre-Hispanic Civilization of Middle America, (HU or SB) & G & H (3)
ASB 362 The Neolithic Revolution and its Consequences, H (3)
ASM 450 Bioarchaeology (3)
Physical Anthropology
ASB 301 Global History of Health, SB & G & H (3) (Prerequisite(s): minimum 45 hours; Credit is allowed for only ASB 301 or HST 301 or SSH 301)
ASM 301 Peopling of the World, SB (3) (Prerequisites: ASM 104 with a grade of D or better)
ASM 345 Disease and Human Evolution (3) (Prerequisites: ASM 104, or BIO 100, or BIO 181 (or BIO 188), or BIO 182 (or BIO 187), with a D or better)
ASM 443/543 Primatology (3) (Prerequisites: ASM 104 with C or better; Minimum 56 hours. Credit is allowed for only ASM 443 or 543)
ASM 450 Bioarchaeology (3) (Prerequisites: ASM 104 with a grade of D or better)
ASM 494 [*EVOLU* *MEDIC*] Topic: Principles of Human Genetics (1-4)
Upper Division Electives - 6 credit hours
Any ASB or ASM 300 or 400 level course
Interdisciplinary Studies Advising
All appointments:
Downtown Phoenix
Arizona Center, Suite 380
Santa Catalina Hall
Urban Systems Engineering