Ambassador since:
May 2022
Applied Biological Sciences, BS (pursuing pre-med)
Evolutionary Medicine
I am a CISA ambassador, the Historian for Poly-Vida, the ambassador for SHPEP, and a TA! Additionally, I volunteer at the Aloha House (a non-profit in Hawaii that deals with substance abuse), Feed My Starving Children (an organization that packages and delivers food to third-world counties), and Puppy Luvar (an organization that brings puppies in from reservations and finds them homes). In addition to working on my bachelor’s at Arizona State University, I am also attending Gateway Community College to pursue an associate’s degree in surgical technology to get some experience working in surgery. Over the summer, I was able to volunteer in Guatemala under a primary care physician and I had the privilege of attending an internship at Columbia University specifically through the Vagelos College of Physicians and Surgeons. Additionally, I am a part of a research team that is trying to create a new strain of coral that would be more suitable to rises in ocean temperatures and am a part of the mathematic neuro-oncology team at the Mayo Clinic. Lastly, I am a dean’s list student for both ASU and GCC, and I work part-time at a level-one trauma center.
Future plans:
I know my experiences kind of sound like a mess, but I really want to go to medical school one day and as many people know, these programs look for students with many diverse experiences in their background. In terms of what I want to specialize in, I have no idea yet. I really enjoy surgery but I also enjoy the diagnostic side of medicine as well. My current plan is to finish my junior year at ASU strong, maybe graduate early, and prep for my MCAT. After taking my MCAT I plan to work as a surgical tech and then apply to medical school.