


is concerned with the nature, structure and interactions of matter and radiation. Pairing physics to another concentration of study provides a student with the fundamental scientific basis to address the most challenging opportunities faced in a student's career.


  • Students must complete a minimum of 24-27 credit hours including 12 of upper division hours for this concentration.
  • All courses must be completed with a grade of “C” (2.00) or higher.
  • Upper division electives must be selected with the approval of a Physics advisor.
  • Students must complete core requirements then choose between Option 1 or Option 2 to complete concentration requirements.

Required Core - 12 credit hours 

PHY 121 & 122* University Physics I: Mechanics & Lab, SQ (3/1) (Prerequisites: MAT 265 or MAT 270 with C or better; Pre/Co-requisites: MAT 266 or MAT 271 with C or better if completed) 
PHY 150 Physics I, SQ (4) (Prerequisites: MAT 265 or MAT 270 with C or better; Pre/Co-requisites: MAT 266 or MAT 271 with C or better if completed)

PHY 131 & 132** University Physics II: Electricity and Magnetism & Lab, SQ (3) (Prerequisites: MAT 266 or MAT 271 with C or better; PHY 121 with C or better; Pre/Co-requisite: MAT 267 or MAT 272 with C or better if completed) 
PHY 151 Physics II, SQ (4) (Prerequisites: MAT 266 or MAT 271 with C or better; PHY 150 or PHY 121 and PHY 122 with C or better; Pre or Co-requisite: MAT 267 or MAT 272 (with C or better if completed))

PHY 252 Physics III, SQ (4) (Prerequisites: MAT 272 or MAT 267 C or better; PHY 151 (or PHY131 & PHY132) with C or better)
PHY 241 University Physics III (3) (Prerequisite(s): PHY 131) & PHY 202 Programming for Physicists (1) (Prerequisite(s): MAT 267 or 272 with C or better; PHY 151 with a C or better or PHY 131 and PHY 132 with C or better)

Option 1 - 12 credit hours

PHY 361 Introductory Modern Physics (Required) (3) (PHY 131 or PHY 151 with C or better; MAT 272 or MAT 267 with C or better)

PHY 333 Electronic Circuits and Measurements (3) (Prerequisites: MAT 272 or MAT 267; PHY 151 (or PHY131 & PHY132) with C or better) 
PHY 334 Advanced Laboratory I (3) (Prerequisites: MAT 272 or MAT 267 with C or better; PHY 151 (or PHY 131 and PHY 132) with C or better; Co-requisites: PHY 314, PHY 361, CHM 345 or EEE 434)

PHY Upper Division Elective (6)

Option 2 - 15 credit hours


PHY 201: Mathematical Methods in Physics I (CS) (3) (Prerequisite(s): MAT 267 or 272 with C or better; PHY 131 with C or better; PHY 132 with C or better OR MAT 267 or 272 with C or better; PHY 151 with C or better)

PHY 302: Mathematical Methods in Physics II (3) (Prerequisite(s): MAT 267 or 272 with C or better; PHY 151 with a C or better or PHY 131 and PHY 132 with C or better)

Select 9 additional credit hours (3 courses) from the below list.

PHY 310: Classical Particles, Fields, and Matter I (3) (Prerequisite(s) with C or better: (PHY 201; PHY 252) or (PHY 201; PHY 202; PHY 241); Corequisite(s): PHY 302)

PHY 311: Classical Particles, Fields, and Matter II (3) (Prerequisite(s): PHY 302 with C or better; PHY 310 with C or better)

PHY 314: Quantum Physics I (3) (Prerequisite(s): PHY 201 with C or better; PHY 252 with C or better, or both PHY 202 and 241 with C or better)

PHY 315: Quantum Physics II (3) (Prerequisite(s): PHY 302 with C or better; PHY 314 with C or better)






Interdisciplinary Studies Advising
All appointments:

Downtown Phoenix
Arizona Center, Suite 380

Santa Catalina Hall

Urban Systems Engineering





College of Liberal Arts and Sciences


Department of Physics | PSF 470